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Minsk. Memorial Museum-workshop of Z. I. Azgur.



Belarus, Minsk, Azgura str., 8





The Memorial Museum-Workshop of Z.I. Azgur is one of the few monographic museums in Belarus based on the basis of the artist's creative workshop. For 11 years, he was the creative workshop of the USSR Academy of Arts in Belarus and Azgur's personal workshop.

The museum building was built in 1984 by architect V.N. Aladov. Since 1999, it has been included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.

The museum has been open to the public since February 18, 2000. The concept of the museum — memorial, monographic art — was developed at the stage of its formation and is conditioned by the specifics of the collection, which was donated to the state by the sculptor's family after his death.









Latitude: 53.8993105
Longitude: 27.5785281


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Minsk. Memorial Museum-workshop of Z. I. Azgur.

Zair Isaakovich Azgur is a Soviet, Belarusian sculptor–muralist, Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR. He began his career as a portrait painter, then devoted himself to sculpture. The author of a large gallery of portraits of figures of world science and culture. The sculptor's works are in the collections of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the State Institution "Memorial Museum-Workshop of Z.I. Azgur" (Minsk), the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), the Astrakhan Regional Art Gallery (Astrakhan), the Moldavian Art Museum (Chisinau), the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg) and others .

The Memorial Museum-Workshop of Z.I. Azgur was established after the death of the artist, in 1996, by decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 10 dated January 4, 1996 "On perpetuating the memory of the People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor Z.I. Azgur".


The collection of the museum "Sculpture of Z.I. Azgur" includes 434 exhibits made by the artist in 1936-1992. These are mostly plaster originals. A number of works of the collection in solid materials: a model of the monument to M.Frunze (silumin); portraits of E.Vuchetich, P.Masherov, R.Wagner, S.Ruder, K.Marx, V.Lenin (bronze); A.Molodchey (copper); I.Chibisov, "Lilya" (marble); Z. Byaduli (ceramics). The museum presents an easel (portraits of A.Datchenko, V. Tseslyuka, N.Kislika, etc.) and monumental – models of monuments (to I. Stalin, V.Lenin, K. Marx, Lu Xin, Rabindranath Tagore, Ya.Kolas, Ya.Kupala, F.Dzerzhinsky, F.Bogushevich, etc.) sculpture of Azgur. Along with the completed works, preparatory sketch material is stored, which allows you to follow the stages of creating a work from conception to embodiment.


The main fund of the museum has 4009 items (2012) of storage and includes two parts: fine art collections and a memorial fund. The museum-workshop is a place of memory, a center of current initiatives in the museum and educational sphere, a space of a creative laboratory in which modern artists, architects, performers, dancers, and musicians realize their wildest ideas. Traditional forms of interaction with visitors are complemented by innovative, experimental, interactive events in format and content: creative actions "Sculptor's Day", "Minsk Sculptural", "Open Art", "Night of Museums" — "Art instead of sleep", museum and pedagogical classes, master classes, seminars, author's projects within the framework of the programs "Playing classics" and "Museum Theater". The permanent exhibition is complemented by the exhibition project "Modern + classic. Contemporary art in a traditional museum."


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