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Minsk. Government House.



Belarus, Minsk region, Minsk, st. Sovetskaya, 11.





The Government House was built on Independence Square in Minsk in 1930-1934. The author of the project was the famous Soviet architect I. Langbard. To build the House of Government, several pre-revolutionary brick buildings had to be demolished. It was the largest administrative building in pre-Soviet Belarus with a volume of 240,000 cubic meters. Now the House of Representatives - the lower house of the Parliament - works in the building; the central executive power of Belarus is the Council of Ministers and other state institutions




With children

With children

Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.89610641 Longitude: 27.54501378


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Minsk. Government House.

Since the Belarusian Soviet government was located in various pre-revolutionary buildings, the need arose to build a new modern administrative institution. In 1929, an all-Union architectural competition was held for the construction of the Government House in Minsk. Many famous Soviet architects took part in the competition. The version of the Belarusian architect Iosif Langbard won. This is not just a building - but one of the symbols of the Soviet era of Soviet Belarus. The composition of the building is based on a symmetrical increase in volume and height from the periphery to the main facade in the center. I. Lagbard together with the Leningrad sculptor Matsvei Manizer developed a monument to Vladimir Lenin, which was installed in front of the main facade. The monument to Lenin was destroyed by the Nazis during the Nazi occupation and restored after the war. The building can be visited with a guided tour by prior arrangement. And if you will inspect the monument to Lenin, then come closer and look closely at the bas-reliefs on the pedestal - there, in addition to the historical bas-reliefs, you will see inscriptions in the pre-reform Belarusian language.


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