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Milovidy. The memorial complex.



Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Milovidy.





On the R-43 highway between the villages of Milovidy and Kolpaki, Baranovichi district, there is a memorial dedicated to the events of the 1863-1864 uprising. Here, near Milovidy, in May 1863, a battle took place between the rebels and the tsarist troops. During the time of the Polish state, a memorial chapel was opened in 1931. A monument and a cross are installed on the grave of the Russian soldiers.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.88227151
Longitude: 25.77831975


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Milovidy. The memorial complex.

Along the R-43 highway between the villages of Kolpaki and Milovidy, Baranovichi district, there is a memorial dedicated to the events of the 19th century.

In 1863-1864, an uprising against the Russian Empire took place on the territory of Belarus, Lithuania and Poland. And here, near Milovidy, one of the battles of the rebels with the tsarist troops took place. In honor of this event, a memorial was created here during the time of the Polish state. At that time, this region and the town were under the rule of the Polish state after the Peace of Riga in 1921 until 1939.

In May 1931, the grand opening of the memorial took place. The opening was attended by a veteran of those events, a participant in the uprising, Lieutenant Kulikovsky, who took part in the Battle of Milovidy in 1863. First, a Catholic service was held, the monument was consecrated, and then columns of public organizations, firefighters and military units marched from Baranovichi.

The memorial consists of a stone chapel and a memorial cross. The chapel is made of stone, 13 meters high. On the base, which forms a square in the plan, there are four columns on which there is an entablature. The monument is completed by a spherical dome with an openwork cross. A memorial cross has been erected on the grave of the fallen Russian soldiers.


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