The Dalva Memorial Complex.
Belarus, Minsk region, Logoysky district, Okolovsky village council
"Dalva" is a memorial architectural and sculptural complex in memory of the inhabitants of the village of Dalva. On June 19, 1944, the Nazis surrounded the village and burned it down along with the inhabitants. On that day, 29 children, 13 women and 2 men died...
The Dalva Memorial Complex is included in the state list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus.


Latitude: 54.53752796
Longitude: 27.9485438
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
Memorial architectural and sculptural complex in memory of the inhabitants of the village of Dalva...
The memorial complex was opened on July 15, 1973. It repeats the layout of the former village of Dalva. The monument dedicated to the inhabitants of Dalva is represented by elements freely placed on an area of 5 hectares.
At the footpath leading from the parking lot to the memorial, there is a memorial stone with an inscription carved in Belarusian: "Until June 19, 1944, the village of Dalva was located here. 10 days before the liberation, the inhabitants were burned alive by the Nazis."
The central sculpture depicts a mother in mournful silence - a 4-meter tall figure of a woman on a low pedestal. Next to her is a boy who hugged her. Behind them, three black beams rise from the ground, symbolizing the fire where Vasily Kukharenko's family died.
To the right of the sculpture is a 16-meter Memorial Wall with the names of the victims. In front of it is a mass grave, where 42 Dalvinians are buried. Concrete crowns have been installed on the site of the burned houses, and symbols of everyday life are located in front of the log cabins – a child's doll, a jug, and others. They remind us of people who were deprived of their lives in such a cruel way...
44 birch trees were planted along the former village street by young people from Moldova in memory of the inhabitants of Dalva. At the end of this street, there is a stone with the inscription: "The enemy burned us sometimes in June - grandfathers, women, teenagers and children. We are sorry, kind people, for not welcoming you as guests."
The author of this memorial is Vladimir Terebun. This project became his thesis.
The Dalva Memorial was created with funds raised from concerts by creative groups, donations from military personnel and public organizations. The initiator was the only surviving witness of the tragedy, Nikolai Petrovich Girilovich. 13-year-old Nikolai was saved from death that day by the fact that he had been grazing horses away from Dalva since the morning. Nikolai Petrovich devoted his whole life to preserving the memory of his fellow countrymen.
In 2009, a new museum exhibition "Dalva: Heroism, tragedy, mercy" was opened on the territory of the memorial, which presents archival photographs and documents telling about the history of the village since the end of the 17th century.
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