Martinovo. The ruins of the Church of the Intercession.
Belarus, Vitebsk region, Beshenkovichi district, Martinovo village, 3A
In a picturesque corner of the village of Martinovo, located in the Beshenkovichi district of the Vitebsk region, on the banks of the Ulla River, there are ruins of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This historical building of Belarus of the 19th century was built in 1906 from red brick and has characteristic features of the pseudo-Russian architectural style.


On restoration

Latitude: 55.0975798
Longitude: 29.19763219
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
The Church of the Intercession in Martinovo is a historical building of the 19th century.
The Church of the Intercession in Martinovo was built in the second half of the 19th century. This temple continues the traditions of the retrospective Russian style. This is evidenced by such architectural elements of the temple as, for example, bulbous domes, arched belts.
In some sources, the temple is called the Church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky.
Already in the 1930s, the Church of the Intercession in Martinovo was closed. Unfortunately, it has been gradually collapsing since then.
According to local residents, during the Second World War, a damaged enemy aircraft touched the cross on the roof of the temple, and it fell into the river. At this time, the church stopped its services and soon fell into disrepair.
Despite this, the building has been preserved in fairly good condition. They even hold services there.
The Church of the Intercession in Martinovo has been keeping its secrets for over a hundred years. Given the beautiful natural landscapes around, this architectural monument of Segozhnya remains popular among tourists and does not lose its importance. It is a quiet and peaceful spiritual place.
In 2024, the church began to be restored.
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