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Malye Lyady. Lyadensky Monastery.



Belarus, Minsk region, Smolevichi district, Malye Lyady village, Tsentralnaya str., 4A.





The Lyadensky Annunciation Monastery is an active monastery founded in the first half of the 18th century.
It is located in the village of Malye Lyady, which is 45 kilometers from the city of Minsk and 24 kilometers from the city of Smolevichi.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.79144499
Longitude: 28.08772635


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Lyadensky Monastery of the Annunciation is a spiritual place with an interesting history.

The Lyadensky monastery was founded in the first half of the 18th century by the decision of the owners of these places at that time - the Zavish family. Teresa Zavisha donated a copy of the miraculous Zhirovichi icon to the local church, which helped her recover from a serious illness at the time. Later, this icon was called the Lyadenskaya Icon.

In 1811, the main monastery building was erected by local residents. Initially, the Lyadensky monastery was Uniate, but in the 19th century it became Orthodox. In 1878, the monastery was consecrated. At that time, the Lyadensky Monastery was widely known for its charitable and educational activities; at the end of the 18th century, an almshouse was organized at the monastery. 

In 1900, the monastery underwent significant repairs, but it was closed in 1920. The monastery remained a parish at that time. In the 1950s, the monastery was completely closed, and the room was used as a warehouse. The dome was removed from the building, the roof was collapsing, the floor collapsed, windows and doors were broken. Inside the temple, the painting and decoration were destroyed, and the Zhirovichi icon was stolen.

It was only in 1992 that the church was renovated and opened as a parish. Since 1994, a monastery has been registered here, and its global revival has been carried out. The temple was renovated and completely restored, the first monks appeared here.

Today, novices and monks live permanently on the territory of the monastery, their number is about 25 people. They grow their fruits and vegetables in the backyard, and a bee apiary is organized here.

The monastery in Malye Lyady is a place of constant pilgrimage for believers. It is a gracious and spiritual place with an interesting history, where dedication and love for God reign supreme.


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