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Lyskovo. Castle.



Belarus, Brest region, Pruzhany district, Lyskovo.





In the Pruzhany district there is a place called Lyskovo with several ancient historical and architectural monuments. Near the town there are defensive fortifications of a medieval castle. In the 16th century, the castle belonged to Queen Bona Sforza. It was destroyed during the Northern War. The ethnographer M. Fedorovsky recorded a legend about the castle in the 19th century. In the 1970s, the archaeologist M. Tkachev conducted excavations here. Earthen ramparts and a defensive moat remained. It has the status of a monument of archeology.







Latitude: 52.85902636
Longitude: 24.63875993


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Lyskovo. Castle.

Castle Hill, which has the status of an archaeological monument, is located in the village of Lyskovo in the Pruzhany district. The castle is located 500 meters from the place near the road where the memorial sign is installed.

 During the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a castle was built in Lyskovo. In the 16th century, Lyskovo was the property of the Grand Duke and was part of the Novogrudok voivodeship of the Volkovysk district. Some researchers believe that the castle once belonged to Queen Bona Sforza. There is also a hypothesis that the 'Chronicle of Bykhovets' was created in this castle. The castle was badly damaged during the Northern War. In the 19th century, the famous Belarusian folklorist Michal Fedorovsky recorded a local legend about the castle and Bona.

 In Soviet times, in the 1970s, the castle was explored by the famous Belarusian archaeologist Mikhail Tkachev. During the excavations, ceramics and tiles from the 15th – 17th centuries were found.

 Castle Hill measures 68 by 68 meters in plan, and a defensive moat is built around the perimeter. The western rampart, which has been well preserved to our time, has a width of 10 meters. In the middle of the rampart was the entrance to the castle. At the corners of the castle there were defensive towers "krugliki", which were 8 meters in diameter.


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