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Lukonitsa. St. Michael's Church



Belarus, Grodno region, Zelvensky district, Lukonitsa.





In the town of Lukonitsa, Zelvensky district, the outbuildings of the former estate, the ruins of a stone chapel at the local cemetery and the church of St. Michael the Archangel have been preserved to this day. The church was built in the 18th century in the late Baroque style. The church is single-nave. A stone three-tiered bell tower has been erected near the church. The church is functioning.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.17765328
Longitude: 25.03375149


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Lukonitsa. St. Michael's Church.

The town of Lukonitsa in the Zelvensky district has a beautiful Baroque church. The Catholic church was built in 1782 in the late Baroque style and consecrated in honor of St. Michael the Archangel. The building is stone, squat in appearance, made of brick and stone. A bell tower was also built near the church in the 18th century.

The church is single-nave. It has a pentagonal apse and a sacristy. A decorative pediment is built over the apse. The main facade is completed with a multi-tiered pediment with a powerful cornice and decorative curlicues - currencies. There are also double pilasters with Corinthian capitals. The side walls and facade are cut through with semicircular windows. The church is covered with a gable roof.

On the right side, near the main facade, a three-tiered bell tower has been built.

The bell tower is decorated with flat pilasters, which are completed with cornices. It has a hipped roof. A stone fence with a rubble stone gate was built around the church.

The ruins of a 19th-century stone chapel have been preserved in the local cemetery. And in the village there are several outbuildings from the former estate.



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