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Logoisk. Mother of God "The Sign" Logoiskaya.



Belarus, Minsk region, Logoysky district, Logoisk





Entering Logoisk from Minsk, the guests are greeted by the sculpture of the Mother of God "The Sign" Logoiskaya. On September 24, 2016, the grand opening and consecration of the sculpture created by the famous Belarusian sculptor Vladimir Slobodchikov based on the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign of Logoisk took place. It is installed in the park of the same name in Logoisk. On the same day, the 150th anniversary of St. Nicholas Cathedral was celebrated in the city.





Latitude: 54.19731849
Longitude: 27.83639386


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Statue of the Logoisk Mother of God "The Sign".

It was not by chance that the sculpture of the Mother of God appeared on one of the hills of the city. Since ancient times, the icon of the Mother of God of the Logoisk "The Sign" was venerated here. The shrine was lost in the thirties of the last century, possibly ending up in someone's private collection. But the residents, having lost the original with the face of the Mother of God, received a gift from the painters in 2000. A group of artists led by the iconographer Pavel Zharov made a copy of the icon made in the Byzantine style. And 16 years later, the Mother of God of Logoisk "The Sign" rose above the city also in the form of a sculpture, occupying a central place in a beautiful and landscaped corner of the square.

The stone for the base of the sculpture was brought from the Vileysky district. The rite of lighting the image of the Most Holy Theotokos was performed by Bishop Veniamin of Borisov. The Most Holy Theotokos offers up a prayer to God and welcomes everyone into her arms, blessing them with her maternal protection.

Now every resident of the city can come at any time and ask the Queen of Heaven for help and protection. This image has the power and grace to help those people who convert with faith. It is appropriate to come to this place when it is difficult for the soul, when it is necessary to make a decision, when prayers and solitude are required. It is very important to come to the joyful moments of your life. The newlyweds can come to ask the Blessed Virgin for a blessing for the rest of their lives, and the children can receive a blessing for their studies. 

The Mother of God accepts everyone, and her raised hands symbolize that she not only prays to God, but also that she accepts everyone, embraces everyone, and blesses everyone with her Maternal Protection. In order for us to receive as much help and support as possible, we need to turn to the Mother of God with reverence. It is necessary to have faith and love in your heart for the Queen of Heaven. To the extent that this is present with us, we will receive this grace-giving power in this Holy Place.

The author of the four-meter sculpture is Vladimir Slobodchikov, Head of the Sculpture Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of Of the Royal Society of British Sculptors, he tried to make the bronze statue repeat the image depicted on the Logoi Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign".

This look is also interesting because it features the Virgin in a crown, which is not common. The clothes have the form of a royal outfit. This means that she is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. The yellow halo around her head indicates heavenly glory and is a sign of holiness. 

The Mother of God, installed according to the plan of the city's leadership and the artist, being on a hill, protects the city and all its inhabitants.


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