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Lipov. The Gorvatt Estate.



Belarus, Gomel region, Kalinkovichi district, Lipov agro-town, Park lane, 1





The Gorvatt Manor, located in the picturesque agro-town of Lipov, is a remarkable cultural heritage site and an interesting example of 19th century architecture. This manor, once home to the Gorvatt family, has a rich history and a unique atmosphere.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.3599
Longitude: 29.5632


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Gorvatt Manor is an object of cultural heritage and architecture of the 19th century.

The manor was built in a characteristic style that combined elements of classical architecture. The buildings of the estate were decorated with decorative elements that gave them a special expressiveness.

The central place was occupied by a two-storey manor house, built in the period from 1855 to 1862 in the neoclassical style. The house consisted of three buildings: the main residential building and two adjacent workshops connected by covered galleries. In the first half of the 19th century, the Gorvatts laid out a park.

The Gorvatt family has owned the estate for several generations. At various times, the estate served not only as housing, but also as a cultural center for the local population, where various events and meetings were held.

In 1942, a fire broke out in the manor house.

In 1960, the house was restored. With the advent of Soviet power, the estate lost its original significance, and many parts of it were destroyed and rebuilt.

Today, the building houses the agricultural enterprise Experimental Base Lipovo. 

To this day, only the right extension of the manor house has been preserved. Its main facade has features characteristic of neoclassicism: columns and a small balcony. The park, which belongs to the landscape type, has also been preserved. During its creation, many exotic plants were added to the natural plantings of the region. Some of the trees here are over 100 years old.

The preserved park is a great place for leisurely walks, during which visitors can reflect on the unique history and cultural significance of the estate, as well as enjoy the splendor of nature around. 

The Gorvatt Manor is an interesting historical and architectural object that attracts the attention of travelers. It is not only a historical monument, but also a symbol of a bygone era, which still lives in the memory of local residents.

I recommend all lovers of history and architecture to visit this wonderful place. It's just a pity that you won't be able to get inside.




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