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Leonpol. The column in honor of the Constitution of 1791.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Miorsky district, Leonpol.





On the very bank of the Western Dvina River there is a place called Leonpol, which has several architectural monuments, including a memorial column.

This column was installed in 1791 by the owner of the local Lopatinsky estate. The column is dedicated to the adoption of the Constitution in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in May 1791, which was the first constitution in Europe and the second in the world. In recent years, the area around the monument has been put in order.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument




Latitude: 55.80469815
Longitude: 27.80444498


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Leonpol. A column in honor of the Constitution of 1791.

In the town of Leonpol, which is located on the banks of the Western Dvina River, there is an unusual historical monument - a memorial column in honor of the Constitution of 1791. The height of the monument is 12 meters. In August 1791, the column was solemnly consecrated in the presence of numerous distinguished guests, including the bishop from Vilno.

The column was erected in honor of the adoption of the Constitution in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth on the initiative of the owner of the estate in Leonpole, the nobleman John - Nikodim Lopatinsky, who wrote in August 1791 that he planned to perpetuate the Constitution of the state on the border of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the state border passed with the Russian Empire through the Western Dvina River. Thus, Leonpol was a border town.

On May 3, 1791, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted a Constitution, which became the first constitution in Europe and the second in the world after the United States.

After some time, Leonpol also became part of the Russian Empire. Numerous wars have passed through these places, including the War of 1812, the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. The monument was damaged, but survived.

Local residents, many of them, did not know the true purpose of the column and various legends and legends arose about the monument. Some say that the column was erected in honor of the war with the French. There is also a legend about the immured man in the column.

Once upon a time, a young blacksmith Vasily lived with the local lords. The beautiful Anna worked as a maid for the lady. The young fell in love with each other and decided to get married. The master agreed, but the lady was against it, and when the owner went to Warsaw on business, she ordered Vasily to be walled up in a column…

In recent years, bushes have been cut down around the column and the territory has been developed. The memorial column has the status of an architectural monument. To get to the column, you need to drive through the whole of Levonpol and leave the town. Then go to the village of Staroe Grudinovo. There is a column between the villages.


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