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Latygol. St. Nicholas Church.



Belarus, Minsk region, Vileysky district, Latygol village





An old wooden church built in 1771 has been preserved in the village with the unusual name Latygol. A monument of folk architecture with Baroque features. It is currently operational.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 54.36903173
Longitude: 27.15861064


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Latygol is a monument of folk architecture with Baroque features.

Latygol is a small settlement in the Vileysky district of the Minsk region. The main feature of the village is the ancient wooden Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1771. This temple is picturesquely located on a hill in the very center of Latygol. Initially, it was Uniate, but later, in 1839, the church was rededicated as Orthodox and transferred to the Orthodox Church. The funds for the construction of the church in the village were allocated by Count Sologub.

An ancient stone fence, erected in the 19th century, stands around the church. The entrance is decorated with a small frame. Previously, there was a remarkable bell tower here, but it has not been preserved to this day. Today the temple is in good condition.

The building consists of two almost square log cabins covered by a common steep roof, creating small triangular overhangs where they join. The main facade ends with a trapezoidal pediment decorated with decorative paneling and a central arched window. On the pediment there is a turret with a four-pointed base and a helmet. A similar hat is also located above the altar. On the sides of the altar frame there are low square sacristy covered with single-pitched roofs. The walls of the building are decorated with vertically mounted boards. The windows are rectangular in shape and decorated with niches. The interior at the entrance includes a narrow vestibule and auxiliary rooms, the ceiling is flat.

The architectural value of this architectural monument lies in the fact that during its history, although it has been repeatedly repaired, it has not undergone significant restructuring. Now only the roof and the color of the facade have been changed in its appearance, which is necessary for its preservation. The Latvian Church was able to survive after surviving two world wars and anti-religious persecution in Soviet times.

Today, the church in Latygol is of interest as an architectural monument of the 18th century and the cultural heritage of Belarus. It attracts the attention of tourists. An information stand has been set up near the church, which tells about the history of the temple and the village.


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