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Krichev. Potemkin Palace.



Belarus, Mogilev region, Krichev city, Leninskaya street, 59A.





The main attraction of the city of Krichev is the majestic palace in the style of early classicism, which was owned by Prince Potemkin. On the ground floor there is the “House of Civil Rituals”, the remaining premises are allocated to the Krichevsky Museum of Local Lore. The palace is included in the list of significant historical and cultural values of the state.


Park area

Park area



With children

With children

Architectural monument

Architectural monument




Latitude: 53.6964651
Longitude: 31.7164752


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Potemkin Palace.

Thanks to the owner of the Krichev lands, Prince Potemkin, a palace, a shipyard and several manufactories were built here in Krichev at the end of the 18th century.

The palace was built in the classicist style; in the middle of each floor there are round halls protruding beyond the palace towards the courtyard. They say that from a bird's eye view, the building resembles the letter "E", which was made specifically in honor of Empress Catherine 2, whose favorite was Prince Potemkin.

Over time, Potemkin sold his possessions in Krichev to Stefan Golynsky, the palace was rebuilt in the neo-Gothic style.

According to the description of the palace in 1914, there were 72 rooms furnished with luxurious black oak furniture. On the walls, covered with plaster stucco, hung family portraits of representatives of the clan, weapons, armor and shields. Divine services were held in a separate place in the palace. Fine porcelain dishes and silverware were stored in the dining room. The palace was surrounded by a magnificent park with linden alleys and oak trees

In 1898, there was a severe fire in the palace. The First World War and the revolution prevented Golynsky from putting the palace in order; in 1918 the building was abandoned. For some time before the start of the Great Patriotic War there was a school here. Restoration of the palace began only in the early 1990s.

Now the Potemkin Palace Museum impresses with its beauty. Beautiful recreated interiors of that time, majestic halls. The rooms have a lot of antiques, old items - books, manuscripts, furniture. Even though the items presented here are not related to the previous owners of the residence, they still belong to that time, and this helps to feel the atmosphere of that era. Sometimes the collections are replenished by patrons.

Among all the exhibitions, attention is drawn to chain mail and cuirass of the 18th century, seals of the bailiff, the head of the warehouse, coins, and a book by the spiritual writer Simeon of Polotsk from 1681.

Fascinating excursions are held here, during which you can immerse yourself in history: learn about the history of Krichev, the history of the palace itself, and about exhibition exhibits. Interesting facts from the life of Potemkin and the Golynskys are also told.

Throughout the year, the palace hosts various thematic events: “New Year Tree”, “Night of Museums”, “Music Salon”, balls.

There is a beautiful area around the palace with a beautiful well-kept garden - here you can arrange a great photo shoot.

A very beautiful place, I recommend visiting it!


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