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Korolinovo. The Romers Estate.



Belarus, Postavsky district, Vitebsk region, Korolinovo village, Romerov estate





Korolinovo is a village in the Postavy district, located 23 km from Postavy and 260 km west of Vitebsk. Fragments of the former estate of Alfred Romer, representatives of an ancient Saxon family, a Belarusian and Polish painter, sculptor, art critic and entographer, have been preserved in Korolinovo.

The manor house in Korolinovo is a rare example of wooden architecture. The house was built in 1864 and has the status of historical and cultural value of Belarus.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.0220941
Longitude: 26.6471756


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Ольга Ерёменко


The estate of A.I. Romer in Korolinovo.

The estate in its current form was restored in 1863 after a fire. Then it was burned down by decree of Governor-General Muravyov, because the owners of the estate sheltered the rebels, among whom was Alfred Romer. After his release from prison, he went to Munich, where he studied painting. He became the owner of the estate in Korolinovo in 1874, after marrying the owner of the estate, Wanda. Sulistrovskaya and lived there until 1884. 

Under him, Korolinovo became the artistic and cultural center of the region. The manor house is quite spacious and impressive in its size: Its area is more than 560 square meters. It is built of larch and accommodates 14 rooms on the ground floor and 3 on the second. Even today, you can climb the wooden stairs to the second floor. All rooms were furnished with antique furniture and family heirlooms. A large veranda was attached to the house, furnished with a balustrade. There was a four-hectare garden nearby, as well as a park.

The central manor house of the Romers is currently in good condition. The manor looms romantically among the huge trees of the old park. The wooden structure is a two-volume, two-storey building. The walls, lined horizontally with wooden planks, are divided by a multitude of rectangular windows in simple snow-white architraves. Fragments of the park and the brick ruins of one of the farm buildings have also been preserved.

There are two signs at the entrance to the house. One informs that the estate is a historical and cultural value and is protected by the state, and the second, that the artist Alfred Isidore Romer lived in the house. Since 1939, when the estate was nationalized, a hospital was located here in the beginning, and during the Patriotic War the house became a shelter for residents of neighboring villages burned by the Germans. 

Since 1951, the old building housed a school, after the relocation of which in 2005, the facility was no longer used. In 2020, it was decided to sell the estate. As a result, the manor house was bought by a resident of Minsk. The new owner plans to restore the estate and use it in the field of agrotourism.

Alfred Romer never became famous in Belarus, but he presented his last painting to Vitebsk land. He painted the painting "Christ and the Orphan", which is located in the Church of St. John the Baptist in the agricultural town of Kamai, Postavy district. Another famous work, the 'Pinsk Madonna', is located in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pinsk.

Alfred Romer was also engaged in entography, studied folk art, and wrote a monograph on the Slutsk belts. He painted engravings, portraits, paintings, and painted churches and churches. In Korolinovo, in the Romer's house, Alfred's friend and colleague Florian Danovsky, one of the founders of the 'Fraternal Union of Lithuanian Youth', lived until his death.

Another attraction has been preserved at the old cemetery in Korolinovo - an unusual tombstone - the grave of Florian Danovsky, an impressive monument of the 19th century.

The thickets of willow tea, wormwood, nettles and red brick ancient masonry are very picturesque. Hopefully, the new owner of the estate will breathe new life into the old Romer's house.


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