Petting Zoo Naturlich
Berezovaya street, 4, Dekoly village, Zhemchuzhnensky village council, Baranovichi district, Brest region
At the Naturlikh agricultural estate you can not only look at the animals, but also pet them and feed them. This place is ideal for wildlife lovers and simply for those people who want to spend a great time enjoying communication with animals.


Park area

Outdoor activity

With children

Latitude: 53.1051019
Longitude: 26.003115
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Reviews to the Place
1Лера Ерёменко
Petting Zoo Naturlich
The territory of the petting zoo is small, but there is enough space for all the animals. You can walk around the farmstead for a long time, enjoying the picturesque views, where each lively corner has its own unique atmosphere. All animals are very clean, well-groomed, affectionate, and live in comfortable conditions. It is immediately obvious that they are surrounded by love and are cared for as if they were their own children. Each of them has a name, and the guide will tell you the story of each animal during the tour, even if it’s not always funny. On the territory there are such animals as: tigers, lynxes, harkas, emus, lionesses, camels, alpacas, wolves, raccoons, foxes, limurs, peacocks, porcupines, a large raven, swans, goats, storks and many others. Overall a huge variety. The owners are also very nice people, they even treated us to tea and pie.
After visiting this place you will get a lot of good emotions and impressions, so I advise everyone to visit this soulful and charming place.
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