The conglomerate "Serpent Stone"
Natural site
Belarus, Vitebsk region, Chashniksky district, Gogolevka village
The "Serpent stone" is one of the geological monuments of nature of local importance. It is located on the border of Chashnikovsky and Lepelsky districts, near the village of Gogolevka in the Vitebsk region. The status of a natural monument was assigned in order to preserve in its natural state a unique large block of sand-gravel -pebble mixture (conglomerate) coming to the surface. There is no other such manifestation of the glacier in terms of size and preservation in the territory of the Vitebsk region anymore.

Latitude: 54.69234
Longitude: 28.94477
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
A very unusual and memorable place, covered with legends and legends.
The boulder "Snake stone" is also called Kravets or Siva (Gray) stone. There are a lot of swamps around the village, which are loved by one of the representatives of the duck - gogol, hence the name of the village. To get to the stone, you need to walk about a kilometer to the south. The stone is located deep in the forest, on the hillside. On the approach, information signs are installed right in the clearing.
Scientists attribute this archaeological monument to the Bronze Age. Its dimensions are 9.8 * 3.4 meters, height 2.4 m. There is information on the length and up to 11 meters. This is not surprising, since the stone has a complex relief. The "Serpent stone" has an unusual shape. It resembles a sea cliff in which relentless waves have washed out numerous grottoes. Most of the stone is covered with moss and lichens, and its surface is pitted with passages and stilts. A large pine tree grew on top of the stone. Scientists claim that an unusual porous boulder is a witness to the ice Age and "crawled" to us from Scandinavia. They say that two large lakes converge under it and if you dig this huge thing out of the ground, then the whole area can be flooded. They can't say for sure whether this is true or not, but digging is strictly prohibited here.
According to legend, there was a Snake in the stone that could take human form and turn into a young guy. He fell in love with a village girl, to whom he flew almost every day. The beauty did not like such a gentleman, but the girl's parents were not against their meetings. One day, the Snake fell asleep on his beloved's lap, asking her to wake up if a thunderstorm started. But she did the opposite. When the lightning flashed, the snake caught up, but it was too late. He hit the evil beauty in the face so that a black hand from the Snake's hand remained on her cheek. He did not manage to get to his house - several lightning bolts hit him and he fell dead. Later, people tried to bury him, but the next day the whole earth was scattered. It rained heavily for several days. Finally, they found a way out - small children began to carry the earth. The work lasted 3 days, and only then did the Snake finally manage to be buried. Interestingly, locals consider the so-called long mounds located nearby to be the grave of the Snake. These are the most ancient burial mounds in Belarus.
To see the "Serpent Stone" in the forest near the village of Gogolevka is like seeing a fairy tale. If you turn on your imagination, you can see the treacherous Snake, his house with windows and a door, and his grave. A very unusual and memorable place, covered with legends and legends.
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