Kohonovka. The monastery in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God.
Belarus, Mogilev region, Osipovichi district, Kohonovka village, Partizanskaya str., 27
Proscha is a fertile place located in a picturesque forest, near the village of Kohonovka, 25 km from the town of Osipovichi. According to historical evidence, since ancient times there has been a temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Mourn". The temple was built near a spring with healing water, which, according to legend, was pointed out to the villagers by the Most Pure Theotokos herself. The exact time of the temple's construction has not been established. It is known from archival data that it was restored several times: the last time was in 1866, and in 1867 it was sacred. In 1887, a bell tower was added to the church. And the amazing name of the Prosch is associated with one of the most important words for Christians - to forgive.

Latitude: 53.21
Longitude: 28.75
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1Ольга Ерёменко
Monastery in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving Spring" (Proschanskaya Pustyn) The Diocese of Bobruisk.
There is such a legend about the holy place of Prosch. It is said that two blind elders accompanied by a guide walked through the forest. Tired, they lay down to rest, and when they woke up they heard the murmur of water. When the travelers quenched their thirst and washed their face, they suddenly saw the light and saw an icon of the Mother of God on a tree. The elders took the icon to the nearest temple, but it returned to its original place. When the icon returned to the spring with water for the third time, it was decided to build a temple in it. The church was built and it stood until the thirties of the XX century, before the period of persecution of the Church.
However, people did not forget to Forgive even when Orthodoxy was persecuted. People came here to pray, took healing water with them, and many were cured of diseases. In the late fifties of the XX century, a resident of these places The Mother of God appeared to Evgenia Sidorovich in a dream and said: "Go to Heaven and build a temple." At the cost of incredible efforts, a small wooden church was erected, which, on the instructions of the local authorities, was soon destroyed. It was only in the late eighties that permission was obtained to build a new temple, and in 1992 its solemn consecration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Living Spring" took place.
Since that time, pilgrims have the opportunity to visit this holy place any day. Since December 2014 in The monastic brotherhood operates more simply. The current church is located almost next to the site of the destruction of the old church. Today it is already an updated foundation, walls, roof, installed dome and cross. The chapel with a spring of Living water is also open daily. You can pray and get water in it.
There are many revered shrines in the city. The icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring", according to whose prayers there are a large number of miraculous cases and healings, and the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", painted by a local iconographer. Through prayers in front of this icon, many married couples are strengthened in spirit and love. The cross is a reliquary with fragments of the relics of 42 saints of God, through whose prayers the pilgrims receive what they ask for.
The icon of the Mother of God "Economissa", painted by monks on Mount Athos specifically for Forgiveness. There are many evidences of solving material and everyday problems by prayer in front of this holy image.
A building for monks was erected next to the renovated temple, solar panels and electricity were installed, and the road to the monastery was landscaped. Before that, in It's easier to have no electricity for 8 years - we lived by candlelight. Foxes, wild boars, moose and deer can often be found here right at the temple. Wolves were also seen several times. Parishioners travel to Warsaw from the most remote areas of Belarus - they help the monastery, cook, and work. The youngest monk of the monastery says that the place here is really unique - even the swamp snakes have moved away, although there are a lot of them in the vicinity of the swamp. Before his eyes, the boy, who did not speak at all, was healed after being doused and given water from a spring in Easier. The boy has grown up and now comes with his parents, helps the monastery. The monastery itself resembles a family. With all the strictness of the charter and observance of the prayer rule, the unceasing work here is warm and fraternal. "People from the world" are warming their souls here.
Proscha is the real spiritual heart of the Osipovichi district. Being in this extraordinary place, you forget about everyday affairs and worries, you begin to think about the state of your soul.
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