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Kobrin. Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.



Belarus, Brest region, Kobrin city, Pervomayskaya st., 86





The Church of St. Peter and Paul in the city of Kobrin was built in 1465. It is a monument of wooden architecture and is included in the list of historical and cultural values of Belarus.


With children

With children



Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.21319961
Longitude: 24.37561566


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


A beautiful ancient church with a rich history.

The first mention of the St. Peter and Paul Church dates back to 1465. There is an assumption that it was founded in the same year as the city of Kobrin. It has long been called "Suvorov's", since A.V. Suvorov often visited it during his stay in Kobrin. According to rumors, he even took part in church services and sang in the choir. At that time, the church was located in the city center, on the Market Square, not far from the commander's house.

In 1857, due to its emergency condition and the danger of destruction, the church was closed. In 1864, the church was significantly rebuilt and renovated.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was decided to build a new majestic stone church in Kobrin, and the wooden church was moved to the old city cemetery. In 1913, the church was consecrated in a new place on the outskirts of the city. However, the outbreak of World War I and subsequent events did not allow the plan to build a new church in the city to be implemented.

During the Soviet era, the St. Peter and Paul Church remained the only functioning church in the city of Kobrin, where people from all the nearby villages came to attend services. All three other churches were closed and destroyed during this period. Icons and church utensils from the closing churches were brought here. Today, you can see ancient icons in the church, as well as many icons painted in the mid-20th century. A unique relic from the end of the 19th century is kept here – the Icon of the Protection of the Mother of God.

In 1989, the Peter and Paul Church was restored. Additional symmetrical rooms were added to the apse, the walls were horizontally paneled and painted blue. In 2012, new domes were installed.

This is a beautiful old church with a rich history. It is quiet and calm, the grounds are neat and well-kept. Those who wish can also visit the museum corner in the Sunday school, which operates at the church, where a collection of religious artifacts is kept.


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