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Karchyovo. The estate of the Vereshchaks "Tuganovichi".

Natural site

Natural site

Brest region, Baranovichi district, Gorodishchensky village Council, Tuganovichi Park





Tuganovichi Manor is a vivid cultural footprint on the architectural and literary maps of Belarus. Unfortunately, the manor itself has not been preserved to this day. It belonged to the Vereshchaks, but their name became famous not only because of the estate. It is known that Maria Vereshchaka was the only lover of the famous Belarusian-Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.

Anyone who wants to explore places associated with the name of Mickiewicz should visit the Tuganovichi estate and the famous landscape park, founded on the estate at the end of the 18th century, where the poet walked with his chosen one. Therefore, the Vereshchakov estate has become one of the main stops on the Adam Mickiewicz tourist route.




Park area

Park area




Latitude: 53.37751081
Longitude: 26.13629619


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Tuganovichi Park at the manor preserves the spirit of the Romantic era and is a classic example of landscape park architecture.

According to legend, Karchyovo's lands used to belong to Prince Tugan, from whom the name of the estate originated. The lands changed owners, among whom were such noble families as Nemirovichi and Vereshchaki. It was Anthony Vereshchako, who founded the estate, who glorified this region.

In 1911, there was an experimental field where new varieties of crops were tested, but with the outbreak of the First World War, work stopped.

According to eyewitnesses, the manor was one of the most cozy places in Belarus. It was a two-story house with wooden walls and a shingled roof. On the ground floor there were spacious rooms, a cozy buffet and small bedrooms. Behind the house there was a garden and a pond, as well as outbuildings.

Although today the manor itself is almost not preserved, the park continues to preserve the spirit of romanticism and is a classic example of landscape park architecture of this period. It has a square shape. Its open areas alternate with fairly dense thickets of trees and shrubs.

A short lime alley leads to the park: four two-hundred-year-old lime trees growing together are a kind of center from which roads and paths branch off in different directions.

The park is a natural monument of local importance.  In the northwestern part of the park, there are twin oaks on a hill, which are also recognized as a natural monument. 

Not far from the ruins of the estate there is a boulder called the Filaret Stone, where famous members of the organization launched the struggle for freedom and justice. It is also worth seeing by walking here!


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