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Kamenets. The Church of Peter and Paul.



Belarus, Brest region, Kamenets, Sovetskaya str., 5





There is a stone church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Kamenets. The temple has a complex history and has been rebuilt several times during its existence.

The first wooden church was built in the 16th century. Then the church was rebuilt in the 18th century. The temple burned down during a thunderstorm in 1925. The construction of the stone church began, which was almost completed by 1939.

The church building was rebuilt as a restaurant in Soviet times. Then there was a tea room. The building was returned to believers with the collapse of the USSR. The temple was restored in the early 2000s. The interior has books and liturgical items from the 18th and 19th centuries, which believers managed to save in Soviet times.







Latitude: 52.4011631
Longitude: 23.81959424


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Kamenets. The Church of Peter and Paul.

The first Catholic church in Kamenets was built in the 16th century. Moreover, there were two churches: the Holy Trinity and Peter and Paul. The researchers note that the churches in Krakow served as an example for temples.

The Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul was financed by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander himself. At the beginning of the 18th century, the church was rebuilt and consecrated by Bishop of Lutsk Stefan Rupnevsky. The description of the church for 1876 has been preserved: "the church is wooden, the foundation is made of brick, rectangular in shape with pediments, 2 facade towers. The church is upholstered in white tin with iron crosses 42 yards long and 21 yards wide, the walls are polished, the roof is covered with shingles. There were 8 windows in the lower tier, 10 at the top, there were 11 small windows. Iron hinges, internal locks in the doors".

In the interior above the entrance there were choirs that were supported by 2 wooden columns. There was also an 8-vote organ. The walls of the temple were decorated with paintings. There were 8 altars.

But all this beauty was destroyed by fire in 1924, when lightning struck the building during a thunderstorm. During the fire, the townspeople and believers managed to take out part of the archive, prayer books and church decorations. A forest was bought in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and a temporary chapel was built. And the construction of a large stone church began, in the altar part of which an old bell tower of the 18th century was built.

It was planned that the new temple would be larger than the previous wooden one. The walls were erected, only the roof of the building remained to be completed. But the year 1939 came and with the advent of Soviet power, part of the walls were dismantled and a restaurant with the loud name "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" was opened in the room. Then there was an ordinary tea room. And only after the collapse of the USSR, the building was handed over to Catholic believers and the construction of a new church began, which was completed in the early 2000s.

The new church has books from the 18th – 19th centuries, which were saved by believers in Soviet times from the old church.


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