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Izyumovo. Zabello's tomb chapel.



Belarus, Mogilev region, Bobruisk district, Sychkovsky village council, Izyumovo village, Izyumovskoye cemetery





The Zabello Chapel-tomb, located in the village of Izyumovo, is a significant historical and architectural monument that recalls the noble Zabello family, who settled in these places since the middle of the 18th century.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.24792397
Longitude: 29.03551478


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Ольга Ерёменко


Zabello's tomb chapel in Izyumovo.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, Izyumovo was part of the Durynichi estate, the last owner of which was Count Shimon Erasmus Zabello. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the count actively developed the estate, opening new production facilities. In 1888, a steam mill was built in Durynichi, and in 1900, a starch factory. However, in 1917, the count left the country, leaving his estate.

Today, the only reminder of the noble family is the tomb chapel, built in 1900-1907 over the Zabello family crypt. This chapel is built of hewn stone in the Art Nouveau style. Its windows and entrance are decorated with red brick, which was produced at the Lazinsky brothers brick factory, which operated in Bobruisk since 1895.

For many years, the chapel remained without a roof, which contributed to its destruction.

In 2007, parishioners of the Roman Catholic parish of the city of Bobruisk carried out restoration work - they covered the roof and installed an iron grating door. Unfortunately, the interior design of the chapel has not been preserved.: the plaster peeled off the walls, and during the renovation, local residents patched holes in the floor, hiding the authentic old tiles under modern gray tiles.

Currently, the stone chapel-tomb of the Count Zabello family is a unique architectural monument that has been preserved on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and continues to attract the attention of both historians and tourists who want to learn more about the rich history of this region.


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