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Indura. The Synagogue.



Belarus, Grodno region, Grodno region, Indura.





In the center of the village of Indura, Grodno region, there is a stone two-story synagogue. The temple was built in the 19th century during the time of the Russian Empire. At that time, more than 2,000 Jews lived in Indura and there were 9 synagogues and houses of worship. In Soviet times, after the war, the synagogue was transferred to a collective farm, which created a warehouse in the building. Now the building is without an owner and is gradually falling into disrepair.

A stone Jewish bathhouse, sometimes called a mikva, has also been preserved to this day. There is a Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of the village.






Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.46058917
Longitude: 23.88216783


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Indura. The Synagogue.

Indura has a long history and Jews have lived here since the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In 1720, the Lithuanian Vaad gathered in Indura to pay taxes. At that time, the Lithuanian Vaad was the name given to the structure of Jewish self-government in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 1770s – 1789s, the famous Jewish authority Tzaddik Haikel of Indura lived in Indura. Hasidim from all cities of the Grand Duchy came to him.

 After the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th century, the village had a synagogue and four Jewish houses of worship.

 A 19th-century brick stone synagogue has been preserved to this day. The temple is located near the intersection of the main roads of the village: Rogachevsky Street with Grodno Street.

 The synagogue was built in 1885 during the time of the Russian Empire. At that time, more than two thousand Jews lived here and a total of nine synagogues and prayer houses were operating. According to the researchers, the facade of the temple is aimed at the city of Jerusalem. After the Great Patriotic War, the temple was transferred to the needs of a local collective farm, where a warehouse was created. At the same time, the interior of the temple was destroyed and broken. The monument's appearance has also changed slightly.

To date, the building is without an owner and is gradually falling into disrepair. The building is a two-storey stone building made of red brick. The main facade is somewhat reminiscent of a Catholic church.: at the edges there is a four-pointed tower, and between them a triangular pediment.


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