Klimovichi. The Church of Archangel Michael.
Belarus, Mogilev region, Klimovichi, Proletarskaya str., 9
The Orthodox Church of Archangel Michael in Klimovichi (Mogilev region) is an important spiritual and cultural place in Belarus. The stone church was built in 1848, and is a monument of architecture of the retrospective Russian style. The temple was built in honor of Archangel Michael, who is considered the protector and patron saint of people.
The temple has a majestic and imposing appearance, with high domes and rich interior decoration. Inside the temple there are numerous icons and relics that attract thousands of pilgrims every year. The temple is also famous for its worship services and prayer meetings, which are held regularly. Today, the Church of Archangel Michael in Klimovichi is one of the most important churches in the region.

With children


Architectural monument

Latitude: 53.6063319
Longitude: 31.95757734
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Reviews to the Place
1Murphy Darkwalker
Church of Archangel Michael
The church building, built of brick, was erected in 1848. There is another version according to which the construction of the temple dates back to the middle or second half of the XIX century, namely 1866, and in 1881 the church became a cathedral. According to data published by S. I. Yaroslavtsev in 1914, the cathedral, located at the end of the Market Square, was built on the initiative of the Governor-General of Mogilev, Count Muravyov. The church was consecrated in 1867. In Soviet times, the authorities planned to close the church by removing the crosses, but in the end the temple was simply closed for a while. During the Second World War, the building was damaged, but restored in the 1950s.
At the moment, the rector is the priest Innokenty (Smolyakov).
The main cross-domed volume with a semicircular apse and a multi-tiered belfry-narthex form the three-dimensional composition of the temple. The belfry and the octagonal light drum, being the vertical dominants of the church, are completed by flat bulbous domes with domes on faceted necks. A large light drum is located on the quad above the middle cross. For the decoration of the plastered facades of the temple, made in two colors and framed by developed profiled cornices on crackers, angular rusticated blades, rectangular and round rosettes, keeled platbands of arched window openings (or molded arches), flat niches and raskrepovki in the form of triangular pediments are used. In the two-light interior of the church, the central element is the domed space, covered by a closed vault.
The Church of Archangel Michael plays an important role in the life of the local community, contributing to the spiritual growth and unification of people. It is also the center of various social and cultural events that take place on its territory.
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