Gumeniki. The roadside Chapel.
Belarus, Grodno region, Slonim district, Gumenniki
In the Slonim district, on the way from Slonim to Kossovo, there is a place called Gumeniki. This village has a 19th-century wooden chapel, a trace stone and an old cemetery. The chapel is small, roadside, wooden. It consists of two main architectural parts. The facade is decorated with a triangular pediment and 4 pillars. The chapel was significantly rebuilt a couple of years ago. Near the temple there is a trace stone, on which, according to legend, the Mother of God left her mark.

Latitude: 52.9551853
Longitude: 25.2032963
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Gumeniki. The roadside Chapel.
In the village of Gumeniki, Slonim district, there is a small wooden chapel, a stone footprint and an ancient cemetery. The place is located on the way from the city of Slonim to the village of Kossovo.
The chapel is wooden. It was built in the 19th century during the Russian Empire around 1860. The temple consists of two main parts: a prayer hall and an apse. The vestibule is supported by four round wooden pillars. The main facade is completed with a triangular pediment. The main volume is covered by a steep gable roof. A multi-faceted apse is attached to the main volume. A small four-pointed tower with a cross is built over the entrance above the pediment. Unfortunately, the chapel was significantly rebuilt a couple of years ago and now it no longer looks like an ancient temple.
There is a trace stone near the chapel. There are only a few such stones in Belarus. According to legend, the Virgin herself left a mark on the stones, and therefore this stone is unusual. It has medicinal power. For example, there is a belief that if you drink rainwater from the hollow where the Mother of God left her mark, you can cure some diseases.
There are also ancient cemeteries in the village, where there are interesting burials with beautiful monuments.
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