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Grodno. The Augustovo Estate.



Belarus, Grodno region, Grodno, Repina str., 5 A.





In the city of Grodno across the Neman River in the second half of the 18th century, the country residence of King Stanislav Augustus Poniatowski was built under the name Augustovo. The residence was built by the royal court architect Giuseppe Sacco. A one-story stone palace, several outbuildings and a tavern with a landscape park were built. The tavern building and a nearby fragment of the park have been preserved to our time.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.6630296
Longitude: 23.79229093


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Grodno. The Augustovo Estate.

The regional city of Grodno has many monuments of architecture and antiquity. And to see everything here, it's worth visiting the city for a few days. The bulk of the monuments are concentrated in the historical center. And few of the guests come across the Neman River. And there are also several interesting architectural monuments across the river.

 In the 18th century, during the time of the last king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a country royal residence called Augustovo was built. The king had several residences around Grodno, and one of them has partially survived to our time. The Augustovo Manor is a monument of manor and park architecture of the 18th century.

The palace in Augustovo was built by Count Anthony Tizengauz (1733-1785), who was the Grodno mayor. The construction was carried out in the second half of the 18th century for King Stanislaw Poniatowski (1732-1798). It is believed that the manor was built according to the design of the Italian architect Giuseppe Sacco, who was the court architect of the king. But there are other opinions about the authorship of the project, that it could be the architect Ferdinand Naksa.

King Stanislav Poniatowski used the manor as a traveling palace and used it during his travels across the Neman River. Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of a witness of that time: "In the evening, the king rode across the Neman. In Lososno, he watched the exercises of the riflemen battalion, went to the palace in Augustovo and returned to the castle at 10 p.m."

After the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the estate passed to General Boris Maurice de Lassi. During the First World War, the palace burned down. The stone building of the tavern remains, which was rebuilt as an apartment building during the time of the Polish state. There are only a few trees left from the landscape park.


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