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Grodno. Kaufman House (8 Karl Marx Street).



Belarus, Grodno region, Grodno, K. Marx St., 8.





There is an old Kaufman House on Karl Marx Street in Grodno. The building was built in the 19th century during the time of the Russian Empire. Kaufman, the owner of the house, worked as a dentist. Doctors B. Rip and Minutnitsky, midwife Teplitskaya, and the agency of the Russian Transport and Insurance Company also worked here. In the days of Poland, there was a new owner of the house, Freida Kabak. Freida Volkova's bakery and A. Ziskevich's jewelry workshop worked here. A jewelry workshop is currently operating here.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.6778935
Longitude: 23.8331981


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Grodno. The Kaufman House.

     In Grodno, in the historical center on Karl Marx Street (house number 8), which is not far from the church, there is an architectural monument known as the Kaufman House. The monument was erected in the second half of the 19th century during the time of the Russian Empire.

         Historians believe that it may be that the first floor and basement belong to an older building. The building is stone, two-storied and plastered. There are two balconies.

      Kaufman, the owner of the house, worked as a freelance dentist. Doctors B. Rip and Minutitsky, midwife Teplitskaya also worked here. The agency of the Russian Transport and Insurance Company was located.

        In 1921, the Peace of Riga was concluded and Grodno passed to the Polish state until 1939, before the arrival of Soviet power. During this period, the house had a new owner. It was Freida Kabak. Freida Volkova's bakery and A. Ziskevich's jewelry workshop worked in the building.

      After the Great Patriotic War, the building was occupied by workshops for the repair of cinema equipment. A commercial bread shop has been operating since 1946. Then the shop "Oblkultremsnab", which belonged to the Grodno Regional Department of Culture, worked.

        A jewelry workshop is currently operating here.


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