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Dzerzhinskaya Mountain

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Minsk region, Dzerzhinsky district, Putchinsky village Council





In the Dzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region, you can visit the highest point in Belarus with an altitude of 345 meters above sea level. It is called Dzerzhinskaya Mountain and represents a small elevation of the area with gentle slopes.





Latitude: 53.84870729
Longitude: 27.06555619


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The highest point in Belarus is 345 meters above sea level.

Dzerzhinskaya Mountain is located on the northern outskirts of the village of Skirmantovo. It is located within the Minsk upland.

It is known that in the old days such areas served as places of communication with the gods, places of worship to higher powers. Dzerzhinsky Mountain probably also fulfilled this role. Previously, she was even called a "Saint."

In 1958, it was renamed "Dzerzhinsky Mountain". It is also popularly called Dzerzhinsky Mountain, Holy Mountain, Jesus Christ Mountain

Dzerzhinskaya Mountain is a hill, a small embankment with an installed granite slab, on which the name of the object and the height above sea level are written.

 In May 2023, a new architectural sign was opened on Dzerzhinskaya Mountain called "Stsiag Radzima". The opening was timed to coincide with the Day of the National Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem.

A paved path leads to the hill, ending with steps leading to the foot of the mountain. From the hill there is a pretty beautiful view of the area.

On the adjacent territory there is an equipped parking lot and a gazebo for relaxation.

This is an entertaining landmark place that you can visit if you pass by along the way. It's probably not worth going there on purpose.


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