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Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory.



Belarus, Gomel, Pushkin st., 5





The Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory is a tribute to the military exploits of many generations of defenders of their land. The museum is quite young (opened on April 26, 2005), but it is developing dynamically, is popular with residents and already plays a significant role in the cultural development of the region.

The total exhibition area of the museum is more than 780 sq. m. The museum offers visitors both permanent exhibitions and thematic exhibitions dedicated to significant historical dates.

The real treasure of the museum is the open area, which houses more than 40 units of military equipment and weapons, as well as a local exhibition "Partisan Town", an exhibition in a hospital car.


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Latitude: 52.4295357
Longitude: 31.0134047


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Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory.

The history of the Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory begins in 2004, when an open area of military equipment began to form. In the spring of 2005, the opening of the Military Historical Exposition took place, and on February 23, 2006, the official opening of the full museum complex took place.


Permanent exhibitions are open to visitors in the museum: "The military history of Gomel region from primitive times to the end of the 19th century", "The military history of the region from the beginning of the 20th century to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War", "The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Defense of Gomel", "Genocide of the Belarusian people", "Partisan and underground movement, liberation of Gomel region", "Victory is one for all", "Internationalist warriors". There are thematic exhibitions dedicated to significant historical dates. The artifacts and evidence of military events available in the museum's collections do not leave visitors indifferent. The acquaintance of visitors with the direct participants of the events, heroes – soldiers, officers, generals, who wrote many glorious pages in the military chronicle of our Fatherland, helps to create the necessary atmosphere.


The museum displays weapons and household items. They are very rare, and some of them are even in a single copy. For example, a facsimile document "The Act of unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany" or a flask of Adolf Hitler, presented to the Fuhrer by his allies in 1937. Or the only highest award in Belarus of the International Federation of the Red Cross Society and The Crescent Moon is the Florence Nightingale Medal of nurse M. A. Garachuk. There are also personal belongings and documents of Lieutenant General L. G. Petrovsky, twice Heroes of the Soviet Union Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky and Army General P. I. Batov, Heroes of the Soviet Union Air Marshal S. I. Rudenko and Army General A.V. Gorbatov, Lieutenant General K. F. Telegin.


There is a military equipment park on an open area near the museum building. It is worth noting that this demonstration of combat units is one of the largest museum collections in Belarus. Among the exhibits is the legendary T‑34-85 tank with the inscription on the tower "For Motherland!", the BM‑13N Katyusha rocket artillery combat vehicle, the ISU‑152 self‑propelled artillery unit (1943), the 45 mm anti‑tank gun (1937), the famous three-ton (Ural ZIS-5B), the Opel Olympia passenger car (1935), and many others.


Since 2010, a branch of the Museum of Military Glory has been opened: the Museum of Criminology. It is located very close, on Pushkin Street, 1. The museum's exposition is devoted to the history of the fight against crime in the Gomel region in the 1917-2000's. Here you can see samples of weapons, police ammunition and equipment, fragments of the offices of a forensic expert and investigator of the late twentieth century, a motorcycle "Ural" equipped with signaling and sound devices, as well as forged documents and banknotes seized from criminals, a set of lock picks. Visitors can learn about the various examinations conducted by law enforcement agencies to solve crimes.


On August 17, 2022, the military historical complex "Partizanskaya Krinichka" was opened after reconstruction, which also became a branch of the museum. The complex is located near Gomel, on the site of the original base of the Bolshevik partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War. "Partizanskaya krinichka" is not only a place of reverence for the memory of partisans and underground fighters, but also a place for patriotic rallies, cultural events, interactive quests, car and bike runs, etc. Military-historical reconstructions, which take place at the memorial complex, are particularly popular among residents and visitors of the city. The reconstructions are dedicated to memorable dates and events in the military history of the Gomel region.


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