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Gomel. St. Tikhvin Monastery



Belarus, Gomel region, Gomel, Kotovsky street, 36





The history of the current St. Tikhvin Monastery dates back to 1899, when it was transformed from an Old Believer monastery into an Orthodox convent. This monastery was located in the village of Chenki, located 12 versts from the city of Gomel, on the left bank of the Sozh River.

At the beginning of the 20th century, among the parishioners of St. Tikhvin Monastery was the now-glorified Saint Manefa of Gomel. Before the outbreak of the First World War, 80 sisters worked in this monastery under the guidance of Abbess Valeria. Monastic life was organized in strict accordance with the Sarov charter, which gave it a special spiritual discipline and order.





Latitude: 52.42627232
Longitude: 30.98613162


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Yaroslav Sg


Gomel. St. Tikhvin Monastery

In September 1993, the authorities provided a two-story building to house the Tikhvin Convent, where the church of St. Matrona of Moscow was consecrated on the ground floor.

The monastery resumed its activities at the Gomel Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Initially, it was located in the building of the Gomel diocesan administration, and then moved to its own building, which allowed it to gain independence and independence. In September 2004, the sisters were given the former Gomel House of Mercy with a house church in honor of Blessed Matrona of Moscow, which expanded opportunities for spiritual and social work.

Today, up to 30 nuns permanently reside in St. Tikhvin Monastery. The Orthodox chants of the monastery choir are known far beyond Gomel and attract the attention of many believers. Icon painting is being actively revived at the monastery, and the sisters teach Sunday school classes, passing on spiritual knowledge to the younger generation. Several times a year, the monastery becomes a place of pilgrimage for believers who come to the holy spring for healing water, which makes it an important spiritual center.

The monastery has two farmsteads: in the village of Bobovichi with the St. Nicholas Church and the sisters' house, as well as in the village of Chenki with the house church, where liturgies are celebrated on Sundays, and on Wednesdays an akathist is served in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", and a temple in honor of St. John the Baptist. These farmsteads contribute to the expansion of the monastery's spiritual activities and strengthen ties with believers in different regions.


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