Gomel. Monument to Kirill Turovsky.
Belarus, Gomel region, Gomel, monument to Kirill Turovsky
The monument to Kirill Turovsky in Gomel was erected on September 4, 2004 and timed to coincide with the celebration of the Day of Writing. Its authors are the famous Belarusian sculptor Lev Gumily Greedy and his son Nikolai Zhloba, who jointly created this impressive monument.
The monument is a 3.5-meter-high bronze sculpture mounted on a two-meter granite pedestal. Kirill Turovsky is depicted holding a scroll with the text of a prayer that he wrote himself. In order for the text to be more understandable to the modern viewer, the writings were translated into a later version of the font – the so-called "semi-gustave" of the XIV century.


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Park area
Latitude: 52.425349
Longitude: 31.0141257
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1Yaroslav Sg
Gomel. Monument to Kirill Turovsky.
Kirill Turovsky is a famous Belarusian figure of the 12th century, theologian and writer, originally from the ancient city of Turov. At that time, Turov was the most important writing center in the whole of Belarus. The name of Kirill Turovsky is known not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. He left a deep mark on history through his preaching, religious and political activities. Unfortunately, very little historical data about his biography has been preserved.
It is believed that Kirill was born into a family of fairly wealthy parents. He received his primary education at home, and then continued his studies at school. His talent manifested itself in famous literary works, the so-called "words", which he dedicated to various holidays. These works express admiration for nature, joy of life and deep inspiration. Kirill skillfully combined the literary word with his personality, which made his work unique. In 1984, his name was included in the Cathedral of Belarusian Saints.
On September 4, 2004, a monument to Kirill Turovsky was erected in Gomel. This monument was placed in the park of the same name, next to the city drama theater. The authors of the monument were Belarusian sculptors Lev Gumily Greedy and his son Nikolai Zhloba. The grand opening of the monument was timed to coincide with one of the main holidays of Belarus – the Day of Belarusian Writing, which is celebrated in the first week of September.
The monument is a bronze sculpture about 3.5 meters high, mounted on a high granite pedestal. Kirill Turovsky is depicted with an inspired, purposeful face, an even posture and thin, beautiful hands. In his hands he holds a scroll containing the text of a prayer written by himself. In order for visitors to read this text, the authors of the monument translated the ancient writings into a font known as the "semi-gustave of the XIV century". The text of the prayer reads: "O Most Holy Master, O Lord, deliver this city and this country from all evil."
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