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Glushkovichi. Belarusian fjords.

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Gomel region, Lelchitsky district, Glushkovichi





Fjords are a natural attraction in Norway. They are giant stone blocks with sharp edges that hang over the water.
The granite quarry in Glushkovichi is a unique place for Belarus. It impresses with its Norwegian landscapes, it is not for nothing that ordinary quarries are called fjords here. There is nothing like this on the territory of our country anymore. We owe this beauty to the Glushkevichi crushed stone plant, which appeared in 1975. It is he whom we should thank for the new national landmark.





Latitude: 51.5654218
Longitude: 27.7714644


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Belarusian fjords.

Belarusian fjords appeared relatively recently, about 40 years ago. On the border with Ukraine, the exit of the Ukrainian crystalline shield to the surface was found (it is one of the oldest geological structures on earth). This was an excellent reason for the construction of a crushed stone mining plant in the Lelchitsky district. 

When developing a granite deposit, no one even thought about the landscape - it turned out to be "by itself." The real northern fjords were formed due to the large amount of explosives used here.

The granite mined in Glushkovichi was known throughout the Soviet Union. They lined some stations of the Minsk metro, as well as decorated the facades of some buildings in Gomel. It was often used to make memorials and monuments. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the quarry was abandoned. Marble and other minerals are also found here. These rocks were formed three and a half billion years ago.

Locals say that it turns out that ancient granite "breathes" - in severe frosts, steam begins to rise from the stones for no apparent reason. What processes take place inside them is a mystery. The water depth here is small: three or four meters. Gomel students of geology often visit the local Scandinavia, extract rock samples. They find amethyst inclusions here, red garnet grains with a diameter of up to 3 mm, there is pyrite, it is also called "fool's gold". This mineral has a golden color, but it quickly oxidizes. There is no practical need for all these gems, except for the purpose of admiring. What is rich amethyst for the layman is quartz for the geologist, and quartz is almost like sand. That's all the romance!

There is another little-studied circumstance here. People claim that there is amber in the surrounding fields (here it is called burshtyn) and even try to look for it themselves. Of course, there is no industrial production: geologists are skeptical about its volume, and they don't really believe in the very fact of its presence.

The most picturesque place here is the Nadezhda quarry. Over time, it filled with water, which made the resemblance to the Norwegian fjords even more noticeable. It is constantly drained, but the cavity is filled with water over and over again.

Nearby there is another flooded quarry, resembling a forest lake with gentle banks overgrown with trees. 

Since the mountain is made up of large boulders, there are voids between them. It turns out that the local foxes have built an underground world, in the labyrinths of which they are so happy to breed. Now it's a real home for them, and all the locals know that foxes live there. The flora in this place is unusual: There are different types of toads and frogs, lizards, grass snakes. There are also water turtles, which are quite large and of an emerald color, which is not typical for them. There's nothing wrong with the fish here either: the ecosystem is well-established. Its set is common for our places: crucian carp, carp, ide, pike, and other roach. 

Formally, the Glushkovsky quarries are not included in the sightseeing routes, but in fact, almost every guest of the Lelchitsky district is trying to be taken to Glushkovichi. Foreigners are "oohing and aahing", and our Belarusian tourists are completely amazed that such beautiful places exist in their country!


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