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Glubokoe. Church of the Holy Trinity.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Glubokoe, Sovetskaya street, 1





When traveling around Belarus, it is worth visiting the small town of Glubokoe (Vitebsk region) – at least to see two beautiful old baroque churches (the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary), which form the central architectural dominant of the city. The Church of the Holy Trinity is a monument of late baroque architecture. This Catholic church was built in 1764-1782 on the site of a wooden one, founded in 1628 by the Mstislavl governor Joseph Korsak, which burned down during the Thirteen Years' War (1654-1667) with the Tsardom of Moscow. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was expanded and rebuilt with elements of the "Vilnius Baroque" (the main facade of the 18th century remained intact).




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.140992
Longitude: 27.6936203


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Glubokoe. Church of the Holy Trinity.

The Church of the Holy Trinity in Glubokoe was built in 1628 by order of Jozef Korsak, the Mstislavl governor. Korsak had founded a local Catholic parish a little earlier. In the 17th century, the church was built of wood. After the first reconstruction, the building was an inexpressive structure with two low towers. There is information that the church had three altars and an underground crypt; later, the monks built a hospital at the church, laid out a garden and planted a vegetable garden. The Trinity Church was not impressive in size, but it coped well with the functions of a medieval church and was quite prosperous. This is evidenced by a document stating that in 1851 the church owned the Dmitrievshchina manor with 149 souls.

In the 1870s, the Carmelite monastery located on the other side of the central square in Glubokoe was handed over to the Orthodox and turned into the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (it has survived and is still functioning today). The question of moving icons and altars, as well as holding services for parishioners, arose: it became necessary to expand the Church of the Holy Trinity. It was from this moment that the Trinity Church in Glubokoe began to play a central role in the life of the local Catholic community.

The reconstruction and enlargement of the church was carried out in 1902-1908. The architect's main idea was to completely preserve the 18th century façade and stylize the rest of it in the fashionable style of the time, "Vilnius Baroque". Thus, the building acquired features that are unusual for Belarusian architecture. For example, the towers grew by 2 levels at once, which visually stretched the entire structure upwards and gave the church visual volume. Side extensions also appeared: the church became three-naved. It was also possible to preserve the rich decor of the main façade of the church: graceful layered pilasters, high arches, the "Crucifixion" sculpture in the arch and thin lines of the cornices.

Three carved wooden altars were installed inside the church, with the central one depicting the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. On the second tier there was a unique religious relic from the early 18th century – the icon “Mother of God Hodegetria”. In the church one can also see an unusual altar with three icons: “Mother of God Tenderness”, “Joseph with Child” (early 18th century), “Holy Family” (1730s). The altar is completed with a high-relief composition “Gloria with Angels”. Above the entrance there is a choir with an organ in the neo-Gothic style. Under the church there is a crypt the entire width of the church, where the founder bequeathed to bury himself “without any ceremony”. His portrait was fixed on one of the columns of the church.


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