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Dubok. Catholic chapel.



Belarus, Grodno region, Ostrovetsky district, Dubok village





On the outskirts of the village of Dubok, surrounded by old oak trees, stands a small and unique wooden chapel built in 1929. In 1930, it was consecrated under the name of the Mother of God of Tireless Help. The chapel is executed in the traditions of folk wooden architecture. Services are still sometimes held here.





Latitude: 54.66851861
Longitude: 26.36751498


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Catholic chapel in Dubok village.

On the outskirts of the village of Dubok, in a quiet and deserted place on a hill surrounded by old oak trees, there is a small wooden chapel. She is very mysterious. It is a small building made of wooden logs. The light, penetrating through the crowns of the trees, plays with sun spots on the grass and wooden walls of the old building.

This chapel was built in 1929 and still retains its historical value. Despite the fact that it is not often used, services are held in it from time to time, which allows us to maintain a spiritual connection with the past and maintain the traditions of the local Catholic community. The chapel is not only a religious, but also a cultural monument that attracts the attention of both locals and tourists who want to enjoy the atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility.

A bell is installed near a large oak tree by the church. Leaning against the tree is an old wrought-iron cross, left over from the time when the building did not exist yet. On the building itself, you can see a figured cross resembling the image of the sun, with the letter RA in the center and a crown at the base. There is a carved figure of a crucifix on the shield of the second floor.

On both sides of the entrance, carved wooden images with lion faces and magnificent wreaths of oak branches hang on the wall. At the entrance, you can see stones with holes, most likely used as ritual stones.

Inside, the drop is small and also made entirely of wood. The huge wooden columns look very mysterious in the semi-darkness. And in general, here you constantly feel that you are touching some kind of mystery.

The Catholic chapel in Dubok today is part of the ritual structures created at the beginning of the last century by Father Romuald Dronich. Every year, on the first Sunday of July, a festival takes place in Dubka, during which hundreds of believers pass through the seven stations (stops) of the Mariana Calvary.


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