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Dribin. Regional Historical and Ethnographic Museum.



Belarus, Mogilev region, Dribinsky district, Dribin urban settlement, Sovetskaya str., 5





A rare tourist gets to this "bear corner" and the Dribin region turns out to be underestimated. There are 26 archaeological sites attesting to the site of primitive people. Officially, Dribin was mentioned in historical chronicles in 1569.
The most famous local craft of Dribin is shapovalstvo (making felt boots from sheep's wool). In 2009, the work of the Dribinsky shapovals received the status of an object on the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of Belarus for its possession of a unique and rare felting technology.







Latitude: 54.1198334
Longitude: 31.084126


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Ольга Ерёменко


Dribin Historical and Entographic Museum, Shapoval Association

Nothing is known for certain about the time of the Shapoval craft's appearance in the Dribin region. According to legend, in the 16th century the Shapovals were itinerant artisans. One day they reached Dribin, and local noble, the owner of the estate, having learned what wonderful products they make, left them at his place. That's how they got a foothold on this land.

Ethnographers believe that shapovalstvo originated in the Dribin region in the 18th century. The master did not need any special conditions for this craft. Everything that they did not produce was sold out at the time. The fame of the Dribin shapovals "ran" ahead of them. Their felt boots and hats were known not only in Belarus, but also abroad. It is said that one of the shapovals from Dribin even reached America. 

Shapoval craft has not been lost in Dribin to this day. To preserve, study and pass on the traditions of shapovalism to the next generation, the amateur association Shapoval was created at the regional historical and Ethnographic museum and the Katrushnik children's collective was organized. 

In 2010, the association was awarded the title of National. The association includes the famous shapoval master Vladimir Osipovsky. He calls the wool Dribin gold, and in his hands it turns into warm shoes. Today, his woolen shoes are worn even in Australia. The author's felt boots from Vladimir Osipovsky are known in England and in Italy. Unwashed sheep's wool is used to make these beautiful woolen items.

The main task of the museum is not only to preserve the history of Shapovalstvo, but also to tell about this tradition. Shapovalstvo is included in the list of intangible cultural values of Belarus. Many guests from all over Belarus, Russia, and neighboring countries often come to Dribin. In the regional museum, a whole hall is dedicated to Shapovalstvo.

Here you can find the devices that our ancestors used in the manufacture of wool products.: felt boots and magerok hats. Also, pads, special scissors, and needles were given to the museum by local residents. 

The second part of the hall tells about modern shapovalstvo. Finished products and photos of modern craftsmen are on display here. Many are still engaged in shapovalstvo by whole families - they are all hereditary craftsmen.

Each area has its own characteristics. The masters keep them a secret. The Dribin masters even have "their own language" - "Katrushnitsky lemezen". It consisted of 915 words and was needed in order to keep the details of the valenok creation process a secret from other craftsmen. The language itself was passed down with the craft in strict secrecy. Felt boots made by Dribin craftsmen have always been distinguished by their special beauty and durability.

High-quality, beautiful felt boots are a real art, only hard and painstaking. Here, both strength and endurance are needed. This art helps to keep in touch with the ancestors, the Belarusian history and its traditions, gives people the warmth of the soul of the craftsmen and beautiful products.


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