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Dolginovo. Ratov snail farm.



Grodno region, Korelichsky district, Yeremichsky village, Dolginovo village, 70





Ratov Snail Farm is a unique enterprise specializing in snail breeding, which offers high—quality products and services. This is the first snail farm that has been operating in Belarus since 2014. The farm is located 120 kilometers from Minsk and 15 kilometers from Mir Castle.










With children

With children


Latitude: 53.4900101
Longitude: 26.0870264


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Snail farm.

The farm is engaged in breeding and keeping snails, which grow and feed according to the author's method of the farm owner Vladimir Ratov in the most natural conditions.

You can come here for a guided tour of the farm, during which you have the opportunity to study its work and get to know the amazing inhabitants. You can hold rare species of snails in your hands, including giant achatin snails, and take pictures with them. And here visitors will find out what benefits snail meat has and why it is worth eating it, as well as which "snail" component is included in cosmetics.

RATOV adheres to the principles of sustainable agriculture, using environmentally friendly breeding methods, which minimizes the impact on the environment. The snails grown on the farm are of high quality and taste, which makes them in demand on the local market. If desired, after the tour, guests of the farm can order a tasting of ready-made shellfish and farm wines. Alternatively, you can order the delivery of finished products in Minsk.

The farm also conducts guided tours and workshops, teaching visitors the basics of snail farming and cooking using snails. RATOV is actively introducing new technologies into the process of breeding and processing snails, which makes it possible to improve product quality and increase production efficiency.

In the period from November to April, those who wish can attend educational excursions on snail farming for the whole family. Here you can learn about the benefits of snail meat and DNA; get acquainted with the history of escargot as a dish; order a tasting of ready-made shellfish, as well as hold a small celebration or corporate event. 

RATOV Snail Farm is not only a business, but also a place where people appreciate nature and strive for harmony between production and the ecosystem. This is a great place to relax and learn new things!


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