Dobrovlyany. Gunther Manor.
Belarus, Grodno region, Smorgon district, Dobrovlyany
In the Smorgon district, in the village of Dobrovlyany, there is a Gunter estate. The manor with a park was built back in the 18th century under the former owners. At the beginning of the 19th century, Gunters built a new stone palace.
Many famous writers and poets came to the estate, including I. Khodko and V. Dunin-Martsinkevich. At that time it was a major cultural center in Belarus. The palace burned down during the First World War and was never rebuilt afterwards. A park, a chapel, and several stone outbuildings have been preserved to this day.



Architectural monument


Park area
Latitude: 54.78843331
Longitude: 26.39965642
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Dobrovlyany. Gunther Manor.
In the village of Dobrovlyany, Smorgon district, the remains of the Gunter estate have been preserved-a park with a pond and stone outbuildings with a Catholic chapel.
The manor and palace in Dobrovlyany were built during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 18th century. Back then, the Sangushki were the owners here.
Then the place became the property of the Gunther family. In 1824, Count Adam Gunther laid the foundation of a new palace in the village. At that time, a cultural and educational environment was formed at the estate, there was a large library, famous writers and writers came to visit. These events were described in the memoirs of the daughter of the owners, Albina Gabrieli Puzyna, from the Gunther family.
In 1851, A. Gunther divided the property between his three daughters. Mathilde Gunther began to run the business in Dobrovlyany. In the spring of 1862 and until the winter of 1864, the famous Belarusian writer Vincent Dunin–Marcinkevich hid from the police in the manor.
The palace was heavily damaged during the First World War. According to local legend, the palace and manor house in Dobrovlyany are described in the work "the Damned" by the writer Ignaty Khodko.
The regular-style park was laid out in the 18th century. There was a water channel near the park. The park is home mainly to native species of trees and shrubs: maple, linden, aspen and alder, bird cherry, turf and other plants.
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