Village of Goleni. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Belarus, Mogilev region, Mogilev district, Goleni village
In the Mogilev district, on a picturesque river bank, in the middle of the forest, there is an ancient church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church is an architectural monument and is included in the list of historical and cultural values of Belarus.
It is impossible to see this temple by chance and take a quick look at it, just passing by. It is located in the forest, you need to go to it, and visiting it will bring peace and tranquility to the soul. The first mention of the temple dates back to 1635. Until 1903, the church was a wooden building, which was an outlet for a huge number of parishioners from all the surrounding settlements. But gradually it became so dilapidated that at the beginning of the 19th century
it had to be demolished. In 1903, a new stage began for the church - the construction of a new stone church on the most beautiful and picturesque river bank.


With children

Architectural monument
Latitude: 53.79798198
Longitude: 30.60818746
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
The Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a place where you want to return again.
The village of Goleni was the center of the Goleniovskaya volost in the Mogilev province at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1937, the church was closed. It opened in a terrible time for our country - in August 1941. During the war, services were held in the church and people prayed for their country and their loved ones. Very often, young people who the Germans wanted to take to work in Germany hid in it. The clergy did everything to preserve the church during the war and during the years of post-war reconstruction. There are many church religions here: vestments from the early 20th century, icons, small crosses, an old chandelier with many candles (chandelier). All this is more than 100 years old. After the war, parishioners brought icons, candlesticks, embroidered crowns to their favorite temple. Bells appeared in the temple relatively recently. All work is carried out carefully and so that the spirit of the past is preserved in the church. And it is felt and traced in everything there. Time seems to freeze and stop.
In addition to local parishioners, many people often come here, weddings and beautiful holiday services are held. Magnificent nature, a pond with swans, birds chirping, almost untouched nature, an old temple, ancient icons, a sacred place. Renewal of icons has been observed here more than once, when an image darkened by time suddenly becomes brighter and brighter.
I would like to say a special word about the priest of this church - Father Igor. He knows everything about the history of his church. Calm, kind, attentive, he loves to talk about the temple and the miracles that happened within the walls of the church.
This is exactly the place where you want to return again. To take a break from the bustle of the world, from people, to be with your thoughts, to stand near the ancient icons, to appreciate the classicism and style of the temple, to look at the ancient relics and just to enjoy the feeling of silence and tranquility, which sometimes we all lack so much today.
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