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S. A. Gomza Arboretum Garden.

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Minsk region, Miadel village Council, S.A. Gomza Arboretum Garden





The garden with an area of 16 hectares is located near the village of Nikoltsy, between lakes Naroch and Myastro, five kilometers from the town of Myadel. The arboretum is considered a scientific and excursion object and was created to preserve natural resources, a collection fund of plants that do not grow in the natural conditions of Belarus. The garden has about 400 species of plants typical for different parts of the world. The garden was established in 2002 and is part of the Narochansky National Nature Reserve. The arboretum is named after the first director of the National Park, Sergei Anatolyevich Gomza.






Park area

Park area

With children

With children


Latitude: 54.8779282
Longitude: 26.8627856


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Dendrological garden.

The word arboretum is translated from Greek as a tree. Such gardens are created in order to preserve and study various types of trees, shrubs, and plants. And visitors to the park can stroll along the alleys, enjoying the beauty of the flora. The garden was not created from scratch.  There has been its own ecological system here for thousands of years - the marsh system. She's always been here. In addition to it, the forest system has been preserved here in the form of oak, pine, spruce, birch, which organically fit into the landscape of the arboretum.

12,000 years ago, a glacier formed not only numerous lakes in these places, but also the hilly terrain on which the garden exists. The road and path network smoothly skirts the existing elevations and depressions of the earth. Nature itself suggested the landscape style of the garden. The territory is divided into four geobotanical zones:  *Europe - Siberia, * Far East, *Crimea - Caucasus - Central Asia, * North America. 

There are collections of aromatic plants in the garden, plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. On the territory there are rose gardens with collections of roses of various groups, there are two collections of lilacs. There are even collections grown in vitro using the Invitro method. 

The decorative pond attracts visitors very much. A family of beavers lives on the shoreline of the pond. This place is landscaped by Arboretum workers. A picturesque bridge has been created for them, bright flowers have been planted. Waterfowl nest on the pond, and there is an interesting variety of bright green lake frogs. All this is especially impressive on a hot day, when frogs bask on the leaves of nymphs, arranging their "song" concerts, grass snakes swim between frolicking fish. It all looks very harmonious.

The arboretum is very well maintained thanks to the caring hands of the staff. Plants feel this and give their beauty to others. The weeping willows growing along the shore create a special atmosphere. 

There is a forest museum. There is a rose garden near the museum . There is an area with fruit trees in the garden, and in autumn there are fallen apples, pears, quinces, and grapes lying on the ground.

There are wooden gazebos for visitors to relax and take shelter from the sun. You can climb to the observation deck in the garden and admire the garden and the surrounding lakes from above. You can book a guided tour. Along the paths there are interesting fabulous sculptures carved from wood. Rhododendrons bloom in May.

  It is very interesting, picturesque, informative and photogenic. Here, away from the hustle and bustle, everyone can connect with nature and find peace for their soul.


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