Chapel-tomb of the Zawisza family
Belarus, Minsk region, Uzda, Catholic cemetery
The chapel-tomb of the Zawisza family, built in the form of an Egyptian pyramid, and the “legend of the necromancer” associated with it are unusual and quite interesting to visit.


Latitude: 53.45936
Longitude: 27.199067
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Reviews to the Place
1Артём Ерёменко
A non-trivial location for lovers of mysticism
Located in the middle of the cemetery, the chapel-tomb of the Zawisze family attracts attention at first sight. I would also like to see a 10-meter crypt in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid!
It was built in 1800 by the famous archaeologist Jan Casimir Zawisz, who studied ancient burials and even organized expeditions to Egypt. At that time, a passion for Egyptology was fashionable all over the world, and our country was not spared these trends.
Perhaps this is why the concept of an ancient Egyptian pyramid was chosen for the family crypt. On the first floor there were burials with memorial plaques, but the purpose of the second floor, located at a level of 8 meters, remains a mystery.
There is a legend that in the upper part of the tomb a room was equipped for conducting various rituals, including the search for eternal life and necromancy. This is not known for certain, but it’s hard to even think of a better place)
In the same cemetery there is the grave of Edward from the famous Narkevich-Yodko family, as well as the grave of the holy martyr Michael, revered by many.
Hurry up to visit this mystical place, because... It is not in the best shape and is gradually deteriorating...
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