Bryli. A memorial dedicated to the events of November 1812.
Belarus, Minsk region, Borisovsky R., Bryli.
The events of the war of 1812 took place on the territory of Belarus from its very beginning to the end of the war. One of the biggest battles of this war took place in November 1812 near Borisov near the villages of Studenki and Bryli. It was here that the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte conducted the crossing of his troops across the Berezina River to the right bank. As a result, Napoleon managed to escape the encirclement and withdraw his guard.
A memorial was created in a field near the village of Bryli. Every year, a military reconstruction of those events is carried out with the participation of professional military clubs.

Architectural monument

Outdoor activity

Latitude: 54.31231142
Longitude: 28.35390093
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Bryli. Memorial dedicated to the events of November 1812
Many very significant historical events took place on the territory of Belarus during the war with Napoleon in 1812. During the retreat of the French troops in November 1812, a crossing was created near Borisov across the Berezina River near the villages of Studenka and Bryli.
Admiral Chichagov defended this direction near the city of Borisov as part of the Russian troops. But thanks to a successful maneuver, Napoleon managed to deceive Chichagov, who thought that the French would send their troops south of Borisov and sent his main forces there. At the same time, the French began to build 2 bridges north of Borisov. And on this crossing, on November 26-27, Napoleon transferred his guard, the main combat-ready part of the troops, to the right bank to the west of the Berezina River. The emperor himself crossed on November 27. Admiral Chichagov, when he realized his mistake, attacked the French with his troops, but Napoleon managed to get out of this difficult situation and retreat to Smorgon. During the retreat, Napoleon ordered the bridges to be destroyed on the morning of November 29.
As a result of this battle on the Berezina, which commanders and historians compare in scale with the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon lost tens of thousands of soldiers and officers, as well as civilians – killed and wounded. But Napoleon managed to withdraw his main part of the troops.
After this crossing of Napoleon, who managed to deceive Admiral Chichagov, there was a well-known saying in Russian society: "Kutuzov saved Russia, Wittgenstein saved St. Petersburg, and Admiral Chichagov saved Napoleon."
Over time, a memorial was built on a field near the village of Bryli. And in recent years, every November, the reconstruction of those tragic and heroic events with the participation of professional clubs takes place on the Brylevsky field.
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