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Bronnaya Gora. The memorial.



Belarus, Brest region, Berezovsky district, Bronnaya Gora.





A memorial dedicated to the victims of Nazi crimes during the Great Patriotic War has been created at the Bronnaya Gora railway station in the Bereza district. During the war, the Nazis carried out mass shootings of the population, mainly of Jewish nationality, near the railway station. Researchers have estimated the number of 50,000 people killed by the punishers during the war. The monument is topped with a bell, and the inscriptions on the marble slabs are made in four languages: Belarusian, Russian, Hebrew and Yiddish.





Latitude: 52.60173172
Longitude: 25.08037325


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Bronnaya Gora. The memorial.

There is a Bronnaya Gora railway station between Bereza and Ivatsevichi, next to which a memorial dedicated to the victims of the war has been created.

During the Great Patriotic War, large pits were dug in the tract near the railway station and thousands of victims were shot.

In May-September 1942, pits were produced with a length of 25-50 meters and a width of 10-12 meters and a depth of 4 meters. The pits were dug by residents of nearby villages. The area was surrounded by a fence and guarded by the Nazis. The wagons were fed from the central railway line onto a specially built track that led 300 meters to the pit graves.

People were stripped, valuables were taken away, and then they were laid in rows at the bottom of the pit and shot. Some local residents were also shot as witnesses to Nazi crimes.

In the spring of 1944, to hide the traces of their crimes, the Nazis brought prisoners of war who dug up and burned the corpses. The prisoners of war were also shot later. In total, according to various estimates, about 50 thousand people were killed here. They were mostly Jews.

In the post-war period, studies of Nazi crimes began. Search for witnesses and documents. To date, two monuments have been erected: a memorial sign at the site of the shootings and a memorial near the railway station.


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