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Brest. Ikonnikov Square



Belarus, Brest region, Brest, Ikonnikov Square





Ikonnikov Square in Brest is a peaceful corner of nature among the city streets. It is named after the Soviet military commander, Major General of the tank forces N.F. Ikonnikov, who played a significant role in the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. Before the renaming, the square was a popular holiday destination among the townspeople during different periods of Brest's existence.

During the occupation of the city by the Germans, the square was renamed the "Kindergarten" and was used for recreation by the soldiers of the conquerors. After the war, the park gained a second life. A tragic event related to this place was a car accident in which N.F. Ikonnikov was fatally injured. He was buried in this park, and later a monument to the fallen soldiers was erected in the central part of the park, which became its main element.


Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity



Park area

Park area

With children

With children


Latitude: 52.08886151
Longitude: 23.68570186


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Reviews to the Place


Yaroslav Sg


Brest. Ikonnikov Square

Major General Nikolai Ikonnikov distinguished himself on many fronts of the Great Patriotic War, demonstrating outstanding military skills and leadership qualities. He took an active part in the Battle of Stalingrad and supervised the construction of fortified areas on the Don front. He also led the successful construction of defensive lines on the Kursk Bulge, which played an important role in protecting Soviet territories.

During the Bobruisk operation, Ikonnikov served as deputy chief of Staff of the 1st Belorussian Front, making a significant contribution to the planning and conduct of hostilities. For his participation in the battles, he was awarded many awards, including the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees, the Red Banner, and the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad."

After the liberation of Brest, on October 2, 1944, Ikonnikov tragically died in a car accident. He was buried in the park that now bears his name. There is a monument in his honor on his grave in the park.

In the very heart of Brest there is a cozy shady square named after the outstanding military commander Nikolai Ikonnikov. He played an important role in the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

In 2010, the square was reconstructed, updating its appearance. New benches were installed and walking paths were laid. Instead of poplars, chestnuts, maples, thuja and blue fir trees were planted. Moreover, the transplantation of adult trees was carried out using a special German machine "Optimal 1800". Thanks to these changes, the square has acquired a modern, bright and cozy look.

The monument on Ikonnikov's grave, located in the center of the park area, is popularly called the "monument to tankers." It is a composition that tells about tragic events and loss.


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