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Bostyn'. Felicia Dvorakovskaya's crypt-tomb.



Belarus, Brest region, Luninetsky district, Bostyn.





In the village of Bostyn', Luninets district, there is a crypt at the local cemetery - the burial of Felicia Dvorakovskaya from the Skokovsky family. The crypt was built in 1833. In the crypt there is a metal plaque with a bas-relief and an inscription in Polish. In the early 2000s, the burial site was given the status of an architectural monument. A territory was set up near the monument and a canopy was made.






Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.39288171
Longitude: 26.76306505


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Bostyn'. Felicia Dvorakovskaya's crypt.

To the north of Luninets on the way Luninets-Baranovichi there is a place called Bostyn' where you can see several historical artifacts. An unusual wooden church has been erected here, and the crypt of 1833, the tomb of Felicia Dvorakovskaya from the Skokovsky family, has been preserved in the local cemetery.

After the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the entry of the Belarusian lands into the Russian Empire, the local gentry needed to document their gentry origin to the authorities. The local Skokovsky family managed to prove their noble and gentry roots. In 1802, the Skokovsky family was confirmed in the nobility by the Minsk Noble Deputy Assembly.

Feliciana Skokovskaya married Joseph Dvorakovsky in 1819. The coat of arms of the Dvorakovskys was called "Slepovron".

J. Dvorakovsky was born in 1785 and was baptized in the church of David-Gorodok. And his parents were well-known and respected representatives of the local nobility: father Jan Ignatievich Dvorakovsky and mother Angelina from the Gerlovich family. Joseph Dvorakovsky, at the age of 26, received the rank of surveyor of the Mozyr district in 1811. And in 1819 he married Feliciana Skokovskaya, who was 12 years older than him. Feliciana's last name was Kenevich by her first husband.

Feliciana died in Kristinovo village at the age of about 60. They were buried in the village of Bostyn' at the chapel at the local cemetery. In the early 2000s, the burial of F. Dvorakovskaya was given the status of an architectural monument.


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