Borisov. Ivan Hrisanfovich Kolodeev's manor house.
Belarus, Minsk region, Borisov, ul. 30 years Komsomol, 8.
The estate of Ivan Hrisanfovich Kolodeev is located in the city of Borisov, Minsk region, 80 kilometers from Minsk.
I.H. Kolodeev (1859-1914) was a well-known public figure and entrepreneur, as well as a famous historian and researcher of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, the owner of a unique collection of artifacts related to it. The estate, where Kolodeev lived and worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is decorated in the style of that era. Its halls feature a variety of materials, including books, photocopies of paintings, prints and photographs, which will attract the attention of both ordinary visitors and specialists who deeply study the history of the war of 1812.


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Latitude: 54.22574655
Longitude: 28.53209902
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
The Ivan Khrysanfovich Kolodeev manor house features a unique collection of artifacts related to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812.
The age of the wooden manor house belonging to Borisov landowner, founder of Novo-Borisovsky posad, chamberlain of His Majesty's Court, collector and philanthropist I.H. Kolodeev, exceeds 150 years. He amassed Europe's largest collection dedicated to Napoleonics, and was a member of the Russian Imperial Military Society.
The manor has restored the interiors of the late 19th century, as well as nine exhibition halls, including exhibitions about the war of 1812, an artists' gallery, a hall dedicated to the Jewish community of Borisov region, a souvenir shop and a coffee shop. Historical quests are also held here.
Kolodeev, who became a millionaire thanks to the development of railway communication and industry, invested heavily in the purchase of rare coins, portraits of generals and engravings. His collection, which included more than 7,000 books and 11,000 volumes, which he collected with great passion for 25 years, was considered one of the most valuable in Europe. After his death, his wife donated it to the Moscow Museum, but part of the legacy has been preserved in the estate, continuing to attract researchers and history buffs.
Kolodeev's art collection, consisting of paintings, graphics, photographs, maps and postcards, totals over three thousand items and is kept in a separate collection of the Moscow State Historical Museum. The estate itself has about 1,000 exhibits, distributed across several thematic halls.
Of particular interest is the "Hall of Generals", where you can see photographs of the estate in different periods, as well as copies of portraits of Russian and French military leaders who distinguished themselves in the Battle of Berezina in 1812.
In the hall dedicated to Kolodeev's collection, 20 copies of prints are on display, as well as works by artists inspired by the events on Berezina.
A separate room tells about the Jewish community of Borisov, which made up more than half of the city's population before the Great Patriotic War. Historical documents, religious objects and materials about the activities of the Menorah Light organization are presented here.
This is an interesting and very atmospheric place. A great private museum! The halls are tastefully decorated. There are a lot of artifacts, reproductions, antique furniture... All this is exciting and exciting!
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