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Boltiniki. Puttkamer Manor.



Belarus, Grodno region, Voronovsky R., Baltiniki.





There is a gentry manor in the agro-town Boltiniki of Voronovsky district, which the brilliant poet Adam Mickiewicz visited many times. The local manor has belonged to the wealthy family of Count Puttkamer since the 18th century.

At first, the palace was a one-story stone one, and at the end of the 19th century a two-story neo-Gothic palace was built.

The beloved of A. Mickiewicz, Maril Vereshchak, did not voluntarily marry Count Puttkamer, and Mickiewicz came here to visit them many times. The stone of A. Mickiewicz has been preserved, near which they make wishes.




Park area

Park area



Architectural monument

Architectural monument




Latitude: 54.23840967
Longitude: 25.30442775


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Boltiniki. Puttkamer Manor.

A gentry manor has been preserved in the Voronovsky district, which is associated with the name of the great Belarusian and Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz. This is the Putkamer estate in Boltiniki.

The first palace in Boltiniki was built back in the 18th century, when the place became owned by Count Puttkamer. This family reigned here until 1939.

This Puttkamer Palace has not survived to our time, but it was depicted in his image by the artist and composer Napoleon Orda, who once came here to visit. It was a one-story stone building in the Baroque style with elements of classicism. The interior of the palace was gorgeous, which was quite consistent with the status of the Count's residence. The rooms were richly decorated with colored paintings and furnished with Empire furniture. 

At the end of the 19th century, the Puttkamers built themselves a new palace.

The new building is a two-storey stone house made of red brick. The palace was built in the Neo-Gothic style. The structure of the building is asymmetrical. Each room was decorated in some kind of architectural style: an office and a dining room in the Renaissance style, and a grand hall in the Rococo style. Several tile stoves have been preserved well to our time.

There is a landscape park of several hectares near the palace.

The history of this estate is closely connected with the name of the brilliant poet Adam Mickiewicz. It so happened that Marilya Vereshchaka, whom A. Mickiewicz was in love with, did not voluntarily marry Count Vavzhinets Putkamer. Adam Mickiewicz often came here to Boltiniki to visit and the lovers often played in the neighborhood. A boulder has been preserved in the nearby forest, which is called the "Mickiewicz stone". A cross is carved on the stones and, according to legend, this cross was carved by A. Mickiewicz when Mary did not come on a date.


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