Bolshye Novoselki. Kostrovitsky Manor.
Belarus, Minsk region, Dzerzhinsky district, Bolshye Novoselki village
The village of Bolshye Novoselki is located in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region at a distance of 6 kilometers from the city of Dzerzhinsk. You can get to it along the R-65 highway connecting Zaslavl and Ozertso. The buildings of the manor, built in 1830-1840, when it belonged to the famous Kostrovitsky family, have been preserved in this area. The architectural and park complex consists of a manor house, a residential building known as "Murovanka", a stable and a park. The grounds of the estate are framed by a fence with a gate leading to the main entrance.

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.74360981
Longitude: 27.11839048
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
Kostrovitsky Manor in Bolshye Novoselki
In former times, Bolshye Novoselki was the property of the Kostrovitsky family, who at the beginning of the 19th century built a small palace that has successfully survived to the present day. The estate belonged to Apollinarius Kostrovitsky, the uncle of the Belarusian writer and artist Kazimir Kostrovitsky, known as Karus Kaganets. His parents owned a small estate in the neighboring Malye Novoselki, which, unfortunately, has not been preserved.
The manor house was built around 1820 in the classical style and is currently used as a local district hospital. Modern works, such as siding, have changed its appearance, and only the columns of the main entrance testify to the estate's past.
The park, on the contrary, has retained its historical atmosphere and is an example of 19th century landscape art. The central alley leads to a gate of six pylons, and birch, larch and pine trees grow in the park.
A red brick stable building has been preserved not far from the manor house. It is partially destroyed, but the stable is almost as large as the manor house.
There is also an interesting object on the territory — an old pharmacy in a brick house, whose original purpose remains unclear. Nearby is the village shop "Rodny Kut", decorated with Soviet mosaics.
A very interesting and fascinating place. You can find a location for a photo shoot. Here you can feel the spirit of a bygone time. The huge trees in the park give us information about its age. It is a pity that the manor building has been "updated" with siding and has lost its historical face. The building of the former stable on the territory is very impressive. I recommend visiting here for those who are interested in architecture and love the historical sites of their homeland.
The village is located along the Dzerzhinsk — Zaslavl highway and has about 400 inhabitants. There is a kindergarten, a school, a post office, as well as other necessary institutions. Obelisks have been erected in the center of the village in memory of 78 local residents who fell during the war.
At a distance of 1.5 kilometers to the northeast is a village explored in 1983, where pottery dating back to the time of feudalism was found. The old cemetery once housed the Catholic chapel of St. Stanislaus, but it has not been preserved.
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