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Bolshye Lettsy. The Adamov Estate.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Vitebsk district, Bolshye Lettsy village, Sovetskaya str., 8A, building 9





The village of Bolshye Lettsy is located 17 km from Vitebsk on the shores of Lake Lettsy. In the center of the village is the estate of the outstanding geobotanist, florist, dendrologist Vladimir Adamov (1875-1939 years of life). In 1890, V.V. Adamov founded a botanical and research garden of plants of various climatic zones in his estate.







Latitude: 55.19924972
Longitude: 29.96645794


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Ольга Ерёменко


The Adamov Estate.

The estate is located on a flat raised lake terrace. A landscape park adjoined the main entrance along the driveway. On the left, the park was replaced by a garden (fruit and cherry). An alley of lilacs led from the house through the garden to the cemetery. This path can still be traced.

Green terraces led from Lake Letsy to the estate. There were nurseries, vegetable gardens, ponds, and greenhouses everywhere. The manor house had two floors: the first one is made of stone, the second one is made of wood. Until recently, people lived here. A memorial plaque in honor of the outstanding scientist is attached to the wall of the building. 

Greenhouses and nurseries were built at the botanical garden, where medicinal plants were grown and studied. Thanks to Adamov's active work and the connections he had with the botanical gardens of European capitals and Asia, plants from different parts of the northern hemisphere were collected in the garden and representatives of Asian and Western European flora were acclimatized. In 1910, 664 species of herbaceous and shrubby plants, 334 species of woody and 13 species of ferns grew here. A significant part of the Adamov collection was formed in 1912.

To date, only the manor house of the late nineteenth and early 20th centuries has been preserved from the Adamov estate, and only a small part of it remains from the botanical garden. The main collection was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.

Currently, only individual specimens have been preserved: 300-year-old oak, gray alder, large-leaved linden, Petrovsky poplar, field maples, as well as thickets of fragrant raspberries, Hungarian lilac and other species. A section of the old cobblestone road to Polotsk has also been preserved in Bolshye Letsy.

Vladimir Adamov not only lived in the house, but also worked. Part of the rooms was occupied by a rich library, herbariums and a botanical museum. In 1917, the estate was taken away, and homeless orphans were transferred to the owner. The scientist has only a few rooms left. The wonderful garden began to fall into disrepair. As a result, Adamov was "survived" from the estate and in 1924 he left for Minsk. He lived in Crimea for the last 5 years of his life and died in 1939 in Sevastopol (he was buried in Feodosia).

Some of the plants from the collection of V. V. Adamov were given to the Vitebsk Botanical Garden in Big Summer. A botanical investment project is currently being implemented on the site of the estate. A new turn has begun in the history of the estate: Vitebsk entrepreneur and sound engineer Maxim Zhukov became interested in it. 

The building does not have the status of an architectural monument - it has been rebuilt too often.  The value of this place lies only in the owner of the mansion, who has turned the entire neighborhood into a real botanical garden. At the beginning of the 20th century, the name of the owner of the estate, scientist Vladimir Adamov, resounded throughout Europe. Everyone knows about the estate in the village of Bolshye Lettsy. The house is the main attraction for tourists who are interested in botany. The plans for the restoration of the estate are very large: There are plans to create a museum exhibit, a workshop, a craft workshop, and a mini-hotel for tourists. I am glad that such a beautiful and historical place has finally found its owner.


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