Bogatyrevichi. Monument to Jan and Cecilia, Minevichi estate
Belarus, Grodno region, Mostovsky district, Bogatyrevichi.
In the Mosty district, in the village of Bogatyrevichi, there is a monument to the legendary literary heroes Jan and Tsitsilia and the remains of the Minevichi estate.
At the end of the 19th century, the famous Belarusian and Polish writer Eloise Ozheshko often came here to the estate and lived with her Kamensky relatives on duty. What she saw here, nature, people, rituals and traditions, heard numerous legends and legends formed the basis of her novel "Over the Neman".
To this day, farm buildings and a park from the estate have been preserved on the banks of the Neman River, as well as a monument to the first residents of Bogatyrevich, Jan and Cecilia.



Park area

Latitude: 53.5119957
Longitude: 24.1537792
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Bogatyrevichi. Monument to Jan and Cecilia and the Minevichi estate.
In the picturesque village of Bogatyrevichi, Mosty district, on the banks of the Neman River, there is a monument to the literary heroes Jan and Cecilia and the remains of the Kamensky estate.
The estate in the early 19th century belonged to Joseph Kamensky and his wife Rosalia. Since 1845, their children have become the heirs of the estate. The estate included several villages and farmsteads. There were 314 peasants and 1,207 tithes of land. At the end of the 19th century, the owner of the estate was Jan Kamensky, who took part in the uprising of 1863 and was exiled to penal servitude. After Siberia, Kamensky returned to his homeland to the family estate, which later belonged to his daughter Stanislava. In 1901, she married Clemens Strzalkovsky.
The Kamensky family's estate was located on the beautiful, picturesque shore of the Neman River and was burned down during the anti-Russian uprising of 1863. Then it was restored. A manor house with 4 rooms and a salon was built. The building was gone after 1949. There was a large farmyard, which included a mill, a stable, a barn, a barn and other buildings. Avets had 700 heads. The brewery produced 5,000 buckets of wine in 5 months.
Starting in 1881, the famous writer Eloise Ozheshko, who was working on her work "Over the Neman" at that time, often came to the estate to visit her relatives. The largest room in the house was reserved for the writer, where there was a desk, a bed, a chair and a lot of flowers and books. She worked here and visited neighboring towns and manors, talked with local peasants and gentry.
She visited Jan Bogatyrevich and Adam Levkovich and called them "colleagues from the pen". Adam knew a lot of songs, proverbs and legends that he told the writer. Ozheshko visited the monument to Jan and Cecilia, which led to an alley and where there was a large boulder, near which a wild pear tree grew and there was an ancient wooden cross. There was an inscription on the cross: "Jan I Cecylia. Rok 1549 memento mori".
E. Ozheshko made herbariums in these places. The heroes of her works were the locals and the local places. The owner of the estate, Jan Kamensky, served as the prototype of Andrei Korchinsky, and the Minevichi estate itself is named after Korchin.
If you have a desire to be in those places at the end of the 19th century, then read the Novel by Eloise Ozheshko"Over the Neman."
Next to the estate there is a legendary monument in honor of Jan and Cecilia, who are considered the first inhabitants of these places. For their heroic courage, they were named Bogatyrevichs by King Sigismund II Augustus in 1549 and received the title of nobility.
There is also a monument of geology "Samostrelniki", where the remains of interglacial flora have been preserved.
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