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Baranovichi. The building of the fire station.



Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi, Telman str., 21





The exact number of buildings of this type built on the territory of Western Belarus during the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1918-1939) remains unknown.
However, only two such structures have survived to this day, located relatively close to each other: one in Baranovichi, and the second in the village of Byten, Ivatsevichi district, at a distance of 70 kilometers. Both buildings have the shape of an irregular polygon and are equipped with a four-storey tower with a height of 25 meters. Built in the 1930s, they still fulfill their original function - they serve as fire stations.





Latitude: 53.13278271
Longitude: 26.04476441


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The building of the fire station in Baranovichi is a landmark and an architectural monument.

The fire department in Baranovichi appeared long before the construction of the building on Telman Street (formerly Zhvirki Street). Already in the 1890s, when most of the city's buildings were wooden, it became necessary to create a fire brigade. Thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts and the financial support of local residents, the Rozvadovsky Volunteer Fire Society was founded. Avshuvitsky from Gorodeya became the first instructor, and Shiliner became the commander.

In 1906, a fire station with a tower was built, which was located on the site of modern PASCH No. 1.

In the 1920s, after Baranovichi joined Poland, the centralization of fire organizations began. In 1923, the Novogrudok Fire Protection Union was established with its center in Baranovichi. By 1927, there were 253 fire brigades operating in Western Belarus.

In the 1930s, a four-story tower with a height of 25 meters and the first Ursus brand fire truck appeared in the city, and by the end of the decade, the fire department was equipped with modern equipment, including underground tanks and professional uniforms. By 1938, the number of volunteer teams in the region had reached 867.

 Today, there is a fire rescue unit in the building of the fire station at 21 Telman Street, in which more than 30 people serve.

Today, this beautifully restored building is also an architectural monument.


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